yea yea i'm watching it it's getting pretty good. I love the dwarf dude and the crazy horse people and omg is that chick like actually a dragon with a human form or just a super person they call a dragon? and i'm glad that douchebag brother died. And I will be mad if she hooks up with that one translator dude, Ronan Drago is hot and eh kills douchebags ok.
hoyl shit someone kill the crazy queen lady and her kid, and lol I normally would have thought sean bean was stupid for not figuring out that the blonde kid is not Robert's, but I didn't think about it either. I guess I wasn't thinking that it was actually supposed to be his son. But yeah uh DUH. Lol inbred kid, they did a good job of finding a pretty-but-weird looking little kid too.
But yeah I HAVEN'T READ ANY OF THE BOOKS OBVS which I kind of prefer
before gman no-clips eli and babby alyx out of black mesa :U ms. vance is getting shot or something idk abuhuhu
human portal 2 coop bots :U it's kinna hard to do human forms for these guys because htey're already pretty human. but i did em anyway for the heck of it. and both ladies and dudes cos i couldn't decide.
12/12 regular! On to heroics *_*