Fandom Meme~
a. Post a list of 10 fandoms.
b. Have your friends list guess your favorite character from each one.
c. When guessed, bold the line, include the character name, and write a sentence about why you like that character
1. Marvel Comics; Tony Stark/Iron Man Genius, Playboy, Millionare, armoured robot suit, amazing pompousness? WIN
2. Transformers
3. Star Wars (orginal-verse)
4. Star Wars (KOTOR-verse)(seperating these two so as to make things easier)
5. Star Wars (Prequel-verse)
6. Final Fantasy VII
7. Heroes; Sylar yeah, come one, that attractive, that evil, and loves brainz? My favourite for sure~
8. Batman; Joker Mark Hammil voicing him was love. Heath Ledger will be awesome.
9. Hellboy; Hellboy Not hard considering all the comics and the stuffie that a certain AMAZING PERSON sent me~
10. Akira; TETSUUUUOOOOOO, come on, seriously. Mind fuckery, mind bullets, flight, wangst...this guy had it all. OH AND DRUGS.