Title: The Sea After a Storm, Chapter 107
Rating: R
Warnings: None really, discussion of past violence
Spoilers: Season Two thru Something Borrowed (2x09)
Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Disclaimer: Torchwood, Doctor Who and all their wonderfulness belong to the Mighty Beeb and He Who Must Not Be Named. No infringement, only worship intended! All ©'s to
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Comments 7
Checking back to see if this had been updated but no joy....
Please, please, please say this has not been abandoned...;-(
THANK YOU SO MUCH for checking in - don't give up!
Can I tempt your muses with chocolate cake? ~_^
*nudge, nudge, poke, poke* :)
checks for next post....oh rats......
Well, I'd try to enthuse your muse with an offering of my own update but I would appear to have lost the (10 years ago!) nearly-completed version so I'm pretty much going to have to follow Vizzini's Rule, as it were, and go back to the beginning (of that chapter, that is). But I might have something up sometime in the next....um....while? And here's hoping your muse does indeed return again. I thought "From Out Of The Rain" was such a beautiful concept, and came SO close to being an amazing episode. A very "Sapphire and Steel" feel to it, especially Assignment Four. Hardly surprising, given the writer.
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