Title: Vizzini's Rule, Chapter 64
Rating: R
Warnings: More bad words, some from Ianto this time! :D
Spoilers: Season One thru Out of Time (1x10)
Disclaimer: Torchwood and all its wonderfulness belong to Russell T. Davies and the Mighty Beeb. Just goofin' around! All ©’s to Catherine Tregenna for dialogue and situations borrowed from Out of Time.
Summary: In which Ianto and Jamie head home after their lunch at the pub...
Notes: Thanks for your patience - sorry I didn’t get anything posted yesterday. Been a bitch of a week. But now it’s the weekend, I have Chinese food on the way and plenty of time to sleep and write. Can I get a hooyah?! :D
Previous Chapters Vizzini's Rule: Chapter Sixty-Four
Ianto and Jamie finished a few more pints before they left the pub late in the afternoon. They weren’t anywhere near sloshed, like Jamie had predicted, but they were both feeling no pain when they stepped outside. The clouds had moved in, blocking out the sun and promising snow by morning.
“Where to?” Jamie asked, rubbing his hands together before he gave up and put them in his pockets.
“Dunno,” Ianto said. “My place? We can figure out where to meet Gwen for supper.”
Jamie nodded. “Sounds good. The Chicken is in a car park on the other side of the Millennium Center. D’you drive to work?”
“Yeah, but I can just leave it, happens a lot with this job,” Ianto said, the beer loosening his tongue a little more than he would have liked. He bit his lip but Jamie just nodded.
“That’s what you get working in security. There are very few midnight fashion emergencies.”
Ianto chuckled. They were getting close to the Plass and out of sheer morbid curiosity, Ianto surreptitiously watched the CCTV cameras as they approached, trying to see if Jack was watching. He kept up the conversation with Jamie, ribbing him about still driving the bright yellow Mini Cooper he’d been given as a bribe for agreeing to attend a ‘normal’ university instead of the art college he had his eye on. Jamie’s parents didn’t really approve of his career choice and had insisted that he get a useful degree to fall back on, just in case. The car, nicknamed The Chicken about five minutes after Jamie had moved in with Ianto, had been the biggest incentive for him to play along.
As Jamie laughingly defended his vehicle, Ianto spotted a camera that was moving out of synch with the others on the Plass, following their path exactly. Ianto smiled. Jack wants to watch? Let him watch, he thought. Knowing exactly how Jamie would react, Ianto suddenly shivered.
“Hey there, son, you cold?” Jamie slung his arm around Ianto’s shoulder and drew him close. “Told you, too skinny. You’ve got to knock off this running shite.”
“I like running,” Ianto complained, wrapping his arm around Jamie’s waist as he cuddled close. “Keeps me sane.”
Jamie chuckled. “Well, the jury’s still out on that one. Ah!” he yelped. “Don’t poke me or I’ll let you freeze.”
“Sorry,” Ianto said, laughing.
“Ungrateful brat,” Jamie said, tightening his arm.
They walked a few more feet in silence and then Ianto said, “Smith?”
“Yeah, Jones?”
“I really have missed you.”
“Me too, son,” Jamie replied, dropping a quick kiss on the top of Ianto’s head. “Me too.”
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
They spent the rest of the afternoon playing ‘remember when’ as they lounged together on Ianto’s sofa. Ianto had called Gwen and they were meeting up at the Tides bar in St. David’s Hotel at 6:00. Gwen had warned him that Emma had decided to use the identity that Ianto had created for her so he knew to introduce her as Deborah Morrison and not Emma Cowell.
While Ianto was talking to Gwen, Jamie had called Mark. After some playful bargaining on both sides, Mark agreed to get a ride down from Newport in the morning and meet them for coffee before he and Jamie had to head back to London. Ianto suggested Kemi’s and Mark seconded the notion. With that all set, they had been able to relax and enjoy the rest of the afternoon.
Jamie had brought in his overnight bag and was able to cobble together a decent outfit for the Tides. After he was dressed, he dove into Ianto’s closet critiquing and complimenting as he slid the clothes from one side to the other. Ianto, who was waiting for Jamie to finish so he could get dressed, was absurdly pleased that most of his choices were receiving praise. Before he’d been to University, Ianto was pretty much a jeans and sweatshirt kind of guy, his own little rebellion against his father’s impeccable taste. Jamie had taken him in hand early on, making him shop for decent clothes, often against his loud and repeated protestations, but it was mostly for show. They’d always had fun whatever they were doing.
Jamie looked over his shoulder at Ianto and frowned. “Hmm…” he said and turned back to the closet. Then he pulled out a pair of charcoal cashmere trousers and the black shirt Ianto had worn the night he’d convinced Jack not to end things between them. “There you go. I’d love to see Jack just ‘accidentally’ show up and find you in a bar in this. There might be bloodshed,” he teased.
Ianto rolled his eyes and took the clothes from Jamie. “Ha ha,” he said as he pulled on the black shirt and started to button it. “I don’t know what his problem was today. He never behaves like that. Hell, the last couple of days I can’t even get him to talk to me unless he’s yelling about something.”
“Christmas blues?” Jamie asked.
Ianto shrugged. “There’s a bunch of stress at work, some people from… from out of town.” He sighed. “Who the fuck knows?”
Jamie grinned. “Actually that makes sense. He’s been a bastard and was afraid you were going to console yourself with me.”
“As if I’d do that!” Ianto said.
“I know you wouldn’t, but maybe he doesn’t.”
“Christ, why does it have to be so complicated?” Ianto complained.
Jamie laughed. “Well, I could point out that you are dating your boss, but I won’t.”
“We’re not dating, it’s not like that. It’s…” Ianto struggled for a word as he buckled his belt.
“Complicated?” Jamie suggested making Ianto laugh.
“Yeah, it is that.” Ianto sat down on the edge of the bed, his socks dangling from his hand. “When it started it was just sex, you know, really really good sex.” Jamie laughed. Ianto smiled wryly and continued, “Somehow, though, it’s more than just sex now but it’s not anything… definable? I guess that’s my problem.”
Jamie nodded and joined him on the bed. “You’re a control freak, always have been. Jack doesn’t strike me as the controllable type.”
“God no!”
“But I’m guessing that’s why you’re attracted to him. He’s never going to fit in one of your neat little boxes.”
Ianto shook his head slowly. “No… and you’re right, I… I wouldn’t want him to. He wouldn’t be Jack if he did.”
Jamie put his arm around Ianto’s shoulders. “That’s the bitch of opposites attract.” Ianto rested his head on Jamie’s shoulder. “He’s either worth putting up with or he’s not. You just have to decide.”
“What if he decides I’m not worth it?” Ianto asked quietly, finally voicing one of his biggest fears. He felt Jamie’s arm tighten around his shoulders.
“Then he’s a fool.”
After a long moment, Jamie hopped up. “Enough therapy! Get those shoes on, son. Don’t wanna keep the ladies waiting.”
Nothing had been resolved, but Ianto felt better about everything. That had always been Jamie’s particular brand of magic. He smiled. “We’re meeting Gwen. The woman could be late to her own funeral, trust me. We’ll be the ones waiting.”
“Ah, but we could be waiting with pints in our hands. Infinitely preferable to any other kind of waiting. Besides,” Jamie said cocking his head as he looked at Ianto. “I wanna see just how many boys and girls you can pull in before she gets there. You know, so I can tell Jack next time I see him.”
Ianto shook his head and laughed, reaching for his shoes. “You’re a menace.”
“And don’t you forget it!”
TBC in
Chapter Sixty-Five