Fic: Watching, A Vizzini’s Rule Interlude for Teachwriteslash

Feb 08, 2009 11:23

Title:  Watching, A Vizzini’s Rule Interlude for Teachwriteslash

Rating:  NC-17/NSFW

Warnings:  Oh let’s see, slash, smexin and voyeurism should cover it…

Spoilers:  Season One thru Random Shoes (1x9) and references to Adrift (2x11)

Disclaimer:  Torchwood and all its wonderfulness belong to Russell T. Davies and the Mighty Beeb. Just goofin' around!

Summary:  In which Ianto finds out what Jack does with an evening alone in the Hub…

Notes:  In honor of the wonderful and oh-so-talented teachwriteslash’s birthday, I present to you a Vizzini’s Rule Interlude. This takes place after Chapter 54 in the main fic, but can easily be read as a stand-alone. Many thanks to the also wonderful and oh-so-talented
thrace_adams  for her awesome beta skillz. *hugs*

Shameless Plug: Teach and thrace (and I) are nominated over at Children of Time. Voting open now!


Ianto turned the key in the lock and opened the Tourist Office door with a groan. He kicked it shut behind him and yawned, cursing himself for the fourth time for being so forgetful.

He’d been out with Tosh that evening, just dinner and drinks and good conversation at the pub. Nothing special but it was something they looked forward to every few weeks. Ianto was pleasantly full, slightly toasted and completely ready for bed. He was back at Torchwood only because as they were leaving the pub he’d remembered that he hadn’t fed Myfanwy. He’d walked Tosh to her car and then turned up his collar against the late-November chill and headed back to the Hub.

Ianto flicked on the lights and tossed his coat and gloves on the counter, adding his tie and suit jacket a moment later. He groaned again when a few stacks of brochures slid onto the floor, but decided to leave them until morning. He was reaching over the counter to press the button that opened the wall when something caught his eye.

His monitor was in screen-saver mode which meant it was flipping randomly through the CCTV feeds around the Hub and outside on the Plass. Ianto stared at the screen, frozen. The display was showing Jack’s office. Jack was still awake, no surprise there, but he wasn’t working. He was leaning back in his chair staring intently at the monitor by his desk. His trousers were undone and he had his cock in his hand. Ianto’s jaw dropped as Jack began to stroke up and down his shaft, apparently just getting started on the evening’s entertainment. The screen flickered to another feed and all of a sudden Ianto was looking at the door to the lower archives.

Ianto leaned towards the screen as he mouthed the word ‘no’ and felt his feet come off the ground. He chuckled at the picture he must present, mouth hanging open, body-surfing the countertop. He got down and walked around the counter to his computer. A few quick clicks of the mouse and he had the CCTV focused, zoomed in and feeding a steady stream of Jack’s activities below. He dropped onto the stool and watched for a few minutes, feeling his cheeks flush and his cock twitch as he watched the show.

Jack started out slow, just running his hand lightly up and down his cock as he watched his monitor. Ianto was curious about what Jack was watching but knew he’d be able to tell if anyone tried to remote into his desktop. Jack stepped up his attentions, fisting himself harder as his cock filled and lengthened before Ianto’s eyes. His mouth started to water. He imagined that cock in his mouth, the taste, the scent, the moment when soft flesh became silk over steel.

Suddenly, Ianto didn’t feel like watching anymore. He felt like doing. He disabled the CCTV camera in Jack’s office and stood up. The alcohol gave him just the little bit of extra bravery he needed to get off the stool and head down to the Hub to scold his Captain… and see if he’d let him lend a hand.

Ianto knew there was no way into the Hub without alerting Jack, so he wasn’t surprised to find him leaning on the doorframe to his office, hands in his pockets. Jack was flushed and, if the bulge in the front of his trousers was any indication, not finished yet.

“Ianto!” Jack hollered in greeting, sounding slightly out of breath. “I thought you were out for the night.”

Ianto nodded and replied, “I was but I forgot to feed Myfanwy. Don’t want her breaking into the Hobnobs again,” he explained as he rolled up his shirtsleeves. Feeding Myfanwy could get a little messy.

Laughing, Jack said, “Since we’ve cured Owen of putting her barbecue sauce in the kitchen cupboards I really don’t think we need to worry about safety of the biscuits.”

“Probably true,” Ianto agreed. “But we were just at the pub when I remembered, so I thought I’d stop back in. Good thing I did, too.”

Jack tilted his head. “Oh? Why’s that?”

“Because I discovered that you’re in need of my ‘abusing Torchwood resources for personal reasons’ speech,” Ianto said as he changed direction and joined Jack at his office door.

“I don’t follow,” Jack said, still looking confused.

“Really?” Ianto purred. He stepped close and cupped Jack’s still rather impressive erection through his trousers. “Because on the CCTV it looked very much like you were checking out some of Owen’s favorite sites.”

Jack grinned, unrepentant. “I wasn’t watching internet porn, Ianto.”

“I’m not sure I believe you… sir.”

“Come and see, then,” Jack offered, motioning to his desk with his head.

Ianto shook his head. “That’s really not necessary, Jack.”

“No, come on,” Jack insisted. He grabbed Ianto’s sleeve and dragged him inside the office and around his desk.

Ianto was still protesting. “Really, Jack, I’ve seen porn before, I don’t need to -” He broke off when Jack dropped into his chair and clicked his mouse to reactivate the monitor. Ianto stood in front of him and glanced at the screen. “That’s porn, Jack. Badly made porn, but still. It’s two guys shagging on a table. How - Oh… My... God.”

Jack’s grin widened as Ianto spun around and pointed an accusing finger at him and sputtered, “But - That’s - How - Jack!” The finger swung around and pointed behind him, back at the screen. “That’s us!!” Ianto yelled.

“Yup,” Jack replied.

“You - You’re down here - I mean, watching - How did you - Ohhhh…” Ianto breathed as the memory slid into place and he turned to look more carefully at the screen. “That was the day we went out to Flat Holm,” he said quietly.

“Yeah, we got a little carried away and forgot to turn off the cameras,” Jack said, matching Ianto’s tone.

Ianto felt Jack’s arm reach around his waist and then pull him slowly back and down until he was sitting on his lap. Jack nuzzled his ear and whispered, “I deleted it off the system before anyone came in that morning, I promise, but I just couldn’t resist taking a peek first. And after I’d seen it, well… there was no way I could erase it. So I saved it to disc,” he said simply.

Ianto couldn’t take his eyes off the screen.

Jack seemed to get anxious when Ianto didn’t say anything. He tensed a little beneath him, chest rigid against Ianto’s back, and asked, “You’re not angry, are you? I’ll destroy it if you want me to, I just… What do you want me to do, Ianto?”

Ianto stared at the screen and licked his lips. He swallowed hard.

“Can you…” His voice trailed off.

“Yeah?” Jack encouraged softly.

“Can you… start it from the beginning?”

Jack tightened his arms around Ianto and sighed happily. “Oh yeah.”

A few quick clicks of the mouse and Ianto was watching himself unloading carrier bags and placing containers of Indian food on the table. The camera was aimed at the corner of the table, so Ianto could see both their faces on the screen, unless Jack turned his head to look directly at Ianto who was standing right next to him. They sat down and innocently started to eat their dinner, until Ianto turned and looked at Jack from under his eyelashes.

Jack gave a quiet moan. “That looks just slays me, you know that?”

Ianto chuckled as the on-screen-Jack laughed out loud and pulled the on-screen-Ianto into his lap, mirroring their current position. “Yeah, I know. Why do you think I do it?”

Jack’s hand slid from his waist and headed south. Ianto groaned as Jack kissed him soundly on-screen whilst the real-life-Jack began to slowly stroke him through his clothes.

“God, this is… unreal,” Ianto said breathlessly.

“Good or…?” Jack let the question hang between them as he explored Ianto’s neck with his lips.

“Good! It’s just… I mean, I’m watching you kissing me, I remember you kissing me, and then you’re right here, too… it’s… oh! There goes the vindaloo,” Ianto chuckled.

“Huh?” Jack asked. He looked at the monitor to see himself hurriedly pushing the food to one end of the conference room table, accidently knocking one container to the floor. “You’re about to watch me give you one hell of a blow job and ‘there goes the vindaloo’?”

“Hey, it took me the better part of an hour to get that mess cleaned up.”

Jack gave a martyred sigh and shifted in his chair. He settled himself under Ianto and then spread the younger man’s legs so they were on either side of his thighs, pulling him back against his chest. They watched the monitor in silence as Jack lifted Ianto onto the conference table and slid his hands under his jumper.

Ianto moaned in real life as Jack slid his hands up his chest and teased his nipples through the thin cotton of his dark red dress shirt, moving at the same pace as his image on the screen.

“That’s more like it,” Jack murmured in satisfied tones. He unbuttoned a section of Ianto’s shirt and slipped inside, stroking and tweaking the sensitive peak.

They both groaned when the on-screen-Jack opened Ianto’s jeans and freed his cock from the faded denim. Jack finished unbuttoning Ianto’s shirt, slowly tugging the tails out of his trousers as they watched him swallow Ianto down, remembering the moment as clearly as if it were yesterday. Ianto reached back to card his hand through Jack’s thick hair while Jack spread his shirt open and ran his hands over Ianto’s bare skin.

Between the feel of Jack’s hands smoothing over his chest and belly and the sight of Jack deepthroating him on the monitor, Ianto’s cock had gone from twitching with interest to straining painfully against his briefs. He squirmed a bit and felt an answering response from Jack. Smiling and not taking his eyes from the screen for a second, Ianto raised himself up on his toes and rubbed his arse against Jack’s groin before settling back onto his lap. He was rewarded with a groan, a sharp nip on his neck and Jack’s hands scrambling to unfasten his belt and trousers.

Ianto closed his eyes and leaned his head back on Jack’s shoulder when Jack’s fist closed around his cock and slowly began to move.

“Ungh,” he said unintelligibly.

He felt Jack grin and turned his head to capture his mouth in a hard kiss.

“You’re missing it,” Jack murmured against his lips.

Ianto’s eyes flew open and he raised his head again to stare at the screen. A dark flush started to creep up his face as he watched himself fall apart under Jack’s talented mouth. “God, Jack, maybe…” he swallowed.

“What is it?” Jack asked, his hand slowing to a stop.

“I don’t know, I just… I look so…”

“Hot? Gorgeous? Utterly debauched?”

“Stupid,” Ianto whispered.

Jack let go of Ianto’s cock and clicked the mouse to pause the image. He wrapped both arms around Ianto’s torso and leaned his chin on his shoulder.

“Look at that,” he said with a nod at the screen.

“I am,” Ianto replied miserably.

“I don’t think you see what I see, what anyone watching it would see. You’re absolutely lost in pleasure, uninhibited, out of control. You don’t look stupid at all, you look gorgeous. I mean, look at me,” Jack said. “Do you think I look stupid?”

“No! You - but - but you always look good.”

Jack chuckled. “So do you, Ianto. In a pristine suit or covered in mud or soaking wet or all red-faced and sweaty after a run, doesn’t matter to me, you always look good. But here?” Jack motioned to the screen and groaned. “Spread out under me, about to come just from my mouth on your cock?” Ianto felt Jack’s cock swell under his arse and squirmed a bit in response. “Oh yeah,” Jack breathed. “Trust me, Ianto, stupid never enters the picture.”

Ianto flushed once more, but this time with pleasure. He looked at the screen again and tried to see what Jack saw. He wasn’t sure he succeeded but he felt his embarrassment fade enough that he felt comfortable whispering, “Okay.” He turned slightly in Jack’s arms so he could kiss him properly.

After a long, languid minute, Jack broke the kiss and brought a hand up to cup Ianto’s cheek. “You want to watch some more?”

“Yeah,” Ianto breathed. “But…”

“But what?” Jack asked patiently.

“Don’t… don’t let me come until we come. On the screen, I mean. I want come with us,” he said in a rush.

Jack grinned. “Yes, sir,” he said with another kiss.

When Ianto turned back around to face the screen, Jack tapped his hip.

“Up for a sec,” he ordered.

Ianto obligingly raised himself off Jack’s lap and Jack tugged his trousers and briefs down a few inches, freeing his cock completely. Ianto sat back down on Jack’s lap, straddling one leg this time and Jack wrapped his arms around him again, one securely around his waist and the other across his chest, his hand resting over Ianto’s heart.

“Ready?” he murmured.

Ianto nodded and Jack pressed play. They watched together as Jack reached up to fondle Ianto’s balls as he sucked, the additional stimulation enough to send Ianto over the edge, his whole body seizing as his orgasm hit him. Ianto was suddenly very glad the CCTV didn’t have audio - he didn’t think he could take listening to the sounds Jack’s skills could draw from him.

As the on-screen-Jack reached in his pocket and pulled out a bottle of lubricant, grinning suggestively at a still hazy Ianto, the real-life Jack moaned quietly and slid his hand down to grasp Ianto’s cock again.

While they watched themselves hurriedly undressing one another, Jack murmured, “I wish we had a camera on you right now. I’d love to be able to see you like this anytime I want, half-dressed, sprawled out on my lap, letting me touch you, make you come.”

Ianto groaned. He stared as Jack laid him out on the table again, arranging him on his back, close to the edge so he could easily slide a finger in his arse, readying him for Jack’s already slicked cock. He shivered as he watched Jack brace his hand on the back of Ianto’s thigh and push it up while he slid his other leg to the side, opening himself to Jack.

“God, Jack!” Ianto cried when Jack finally entered his on-screen-self. “You look - ” His voice broke as he gasped when Jack stroked him harder.

“Tell me,” Jack commanded.

“You - I’ve never really seen you at… at the moment when you - When you go inside. I - I’m always… how it feels, but it looks… Oh, God, you look so good,” Ianto panted.

“Mmmm,” Jack hummed appreciatively. “That’s because you feel so good.” His hand was flying over Ianto’s cock now, remembering that their encounter on the disc was fairly frantic. They watched Jack pound into his lover on the screen while Ianto held on to the edge of the table and pushed back to meet every thrust.

“Close,” Ianto groaned.

“I know,” Jack groaned back. “God, Ianto, I’m gonna come just from watching you.”

Ianto gasped and wrapped his hand around Jack’s, clasping the strong fingers that were bringing him such pleasure. “Don’t come!” he instructed. “I h-have a plan.”

“Oh God,” Jack moaned.

At that moment on screen, Ianto arched into Jack and came all over his own hand. A half-dozen thrusts more and Jack’s hips stuttered to a halt as he lost himself inside Ianto.

“Jack. God, Jack!” Ianto cried. Watching Jack’s orgasm play across his features on the screen sent Ianto over the edge himself, crying out as he spasmed in Jack’s hand, his come spattering his belly and dripping onto their joined fingers. His hand fell away but Jack continued to stroke him, sending jolts of pleasure through his body as he relaxed onto the warm body beneath him. He let his head fall back onto Jack’s shoulder and trusted Jack’s arms to keep him from falling.

He felt Jack shift under him and opened his eyes to see him bring his hand up to his face and delicately lick Ianto’s come from his finger. Ianto grinned at the look of bliss on Jack’s face and twisted so he could kiss him. Still moaning from the taste of himself on Jack’s tongue, Ianto slid down Jack’s body until he was on his knees between Jack’s spread legs.

Looking straight into his lover’s blue eyes, Ianto licked a bit of come from his own hand. “Mmm… now I want a taste of you,” he whispered. He was gratified to see Jack’s eyes roll back in his head before he lowered his own to focus on the Captain’s trousers. He made short work of all the fastenings and fabric and had Jack’s cock in his mouth in a matter of seconds.

He moaned and took Jack deep, knowing he didn’t have long to savor the hot, hard length against his tongue. Jack clutched Ianto’s head, winding his fingers in the short strands as he thrust into Ianto’s mouth. Ianto drew back and looked up at Jack through his eyelashes as he tongued the sensitive skin on the underside of the head. Jack groaned and threw his head back. Ianto leaned forward as Jack pushed deep and opened his throat to take him. He swallowed around his mouthful and hummed happily. Both sensations took their toll on Jack and a second later Ianto got his taste. He drank down Jack’s release, alternately stroking and squeezing his thighs as he worked his cock gently with his mouth.

When Jack’s orgasm had subsided to heavy breathing and the occasional shudder, Ianto sat back on the floor, his trousers just barely covering his arse. He grinned up at his Captain.

“Good plan?” he asked.

Jack shook himself and rubbed his face with his hands. He sat up in the chair and leaned forward, elbows on knees. “Good plan,” he agreed. He reached out to stroke a hand through Ianto’s hair, down the side of his face, until it rested on his shoulder.

They sat like that for a few comfortable moments before Ianto cleared his throat. “I suppose I should feed Myfanwy and get going.”

Jack’s hand tightened on his shoulder. “What’s the rush?”

“Well,” Ianto faltered. “You… I thought you wanted a night alone.”

“I’d rather have a night alone with you.”

Ianto rolled his eyes. “You really need some new lines,” he chuckled. He started to get up, taking Jack’s hand when it was offered.

Jack pulled Ianto to his feet as he stood up and then tugged his lover into his arms. “The lines may be bad but they’re still true. Please don’t go.”

Ianto could resist a lot of things in life - Jack saying ‘please’ in that tone of voice was not one of them. His resistance melted away and he relaxed in Jack’s arms. “Okay,” he whispered, earning a happy sigh from Jack.

“Okay. Go feed Myfanwy and come downstairs,” Jack told him with a gleam in his eyes.

Ianto grinned as he fastened up his trousers. “A plan of your own, sir?”

“Uh-huh,” Jack nodded. “I liked the movie so much that I want to see the live show.”

“Oh lord.” Ianto went to feed Myfanwy with the sound of Jack’s laughter ringing through the Hub.

Several minutes and one cooing Myfanwy later, Ianto climbed down the ladder to Jack’s room to find his Captain stretched out on the bed. He was completely naked and slowly stroking his cock.

“Déjà vu,” Ianto said breathily.

Jack chuckled. “Just getting myself ready.”

“Ready?” Ianto asked. He started to unbutton his shirt as he watched Jack, unable to take his eyes off the long, lean body in front of him. He darted his tongue out to lick his bottom lip as Jack swirled his thumb over the head of his cock, spreading the pre-come that was gathering there.

Jack groaned and sped up his hand. “Yeah, ready for the show.” He winked at Ianto who finished taking off his shirt and dropped his hands to his belt.

“What exactly did you have in mind, Jack?” he asked warily.

“Well, I really enjoyed watching you tonight and I want more.”

“You’re insatiable.”

Jack grinned. “Always.”

“So what do you want more of?” Ianto asked as he tossed his boxer briefs onto his pile of clothing and walked slowly towards the bed. “Watching?” He dropped a kiss onto Jack’s lips as he joined him on the bed. “Or me?” he asked.

Jack wrapped his arms around Ianto and rolled them so he was on top. “I want you. I want to watch you.”

“Watch me do what?”

“Mmmm… I want to watch you prepare yourself for me. I want to watch you ride me. I want to watch you come on my cock.”

“That’s…” Ianto swallowed hard. “That’s a lot of watching.”

Jack just nodded, looking down at Ianto.

Ianto felt the embarrassment from earlier flood through him again. He’d only ridden Jack once before, a few hours before they’d inadvertently made that sex tape actually. Ianto felt a smile tug at his lips. A sex tape, he thought, I like that. Makes me feel like Colin Farrell.

Jack leaned down to kiss the corner of Ianto’s mouth. “Does that little smile mean yes?” he murmured.

Ianto freed his arms and reached up to thread his fingers through Jack’s dark hair. He pulled Jack’s mouth to his and kissed him softly, letting the passion flare between them again. He ran his tongue along Jack’s bottom lip and then nipped the smooth flesh with his teeth. When Jack’s lips parted around a quiet moan, Ianto delved inside, loving the way Jack opened to him. The kiss escalated quickly after that, leaving both of them breathless as they struggled to devour one another.

“Yes, yes, yes,” Ianto murmured between kisses as he gasped for air. “I want you to watch me, Jack, I want to… I want it all.”

“God, Ianto, the things you do to me when you talk like that,” Jack panted. He kissed Ianto soundly and then rolled them again, so Ianto was on top. He pulled back and crossed his arms behind his head. “Ready when you are,” he said, trying to sound casual but Ianto wasn’t fooled. There was a little catch in Jack’s voice that always signaled real need and Ianto heard it now.

He leaned down to kiss Jack one more time while sliding his arm under the pillow to grab the bottle of lubricant that lived there these days. He squeezed a generous amount of the thick liquid on his fingers and then capped the bottle.

“Any requests?” he asked in a dark, low voice.

Jack shook his head, apparently not trusting his voice. Ianto smiled and brought his knees forward so he was straddling Jack, his calves pressed close to Jack’s thighs. He raised himself up a few inches and slid his hand between his legs, past his rapidly hardening cock, moaning as he nudged his balls aside and reached his center. He rubbed the tight circle of muscle for a few moments, letting the pleasure play across his face, any lingering embarrassment countered by the look of raw desire on Jack’s face. He closed his eyes and hissed softly when he finally slipped a finger inside and began to thrust slowly.

He opened his eyes again when he felt Jack’s hands on his thighs. Jack caressed his muscles as they flexed to raise him up a bit, replacing one finger with two. When Ianto moaned, Jack’s hands clenched.

“Want -” Jack cleared his throat. “Want to see more,” he whispered.

Ianto stilled his hand, quickly figuring out the logistics in his head. He removed his fingers and sat back on his tailbone between Jack’s knees. Jack spread his legs wider to make room and Ianto bent his knees to bring his feet up, placing them on the mattress on either side of Jack’s hips. He leaned back, using his left arm to support his weight as he slid his fingers inside himself again.

Jack groaned and raised himself on his elbows. “God, Ianto, the way you look…” He reached down for his own cock, stroking it slowly, almost absentmindedly as he watched Ianto intently.

“Is this what you wanted, Jack?” Ianto whispered. He curled his fingers, seeking and finding that bundle of nerves inside that always felt so good. He moaned and let his head fall back.

“Yes! God, yes, you’re perfect like this. So beautiful.”

Ianto felt the mattress dip as Jack sat up. He heard the cap to the lubricant snap open and closed and then the unmistakable sound of Jack slicking up his cock. He felt Jack’s hands slide up his shins, over his bent knees, along his thighs, moving towards his opening where his own fingers were sliding in and out, scissoring, readying him for his lover.

Jack leaned forward, kissed the hollow of Ianto’s throat and then slid his lips up, following the curve of Ianto’s jaw until they could capture his mouth. Ianto kissed him back eagerly, only breaking the kiss to moan softly as one of Jack’s fingers joined his.

“Are you ready for me? Are you ready for my cock?” Jack asked softly. He pushed the full length of his finger into Ianto and then stroked the stretched skin surrounding it with his thumb.

Ianto moaned again and kissed Jack almost savagely. He removed his hand and pulled Jack’s away as well. “Lie back,” he ordered. “And I’ll show you how ready I am.”

It was Jack’s turn to groan as he complied, knocking the pillows off the bed in his haste. Ianto rose over him. He drank in the hunger in Jack’s eyes, desire for him that left him breathless. Not wanting to waste another minute, Ianto moved over Jack, aligning them, readying them, teasing Jack with brushes of his arse against the slick head of his cock. Jack moaned and thrust upward, sliding his cock between Ianto’s buttocks.

“Eager?” Ianto murmured. He leaned down to kiss Jack softly.

Jack just groaned and held Ianto’s face between his hands as he kissed him back, one kiss becoming another and another and another.

Ianto reached behind him and pressed down, taking just the tip of Jack’s cock into his body without breaking the kiss. Jack gasped against his lips and Ianto smiled. He kissed Jack one last time and then sat up, pushing down at the same time, taking all of Jack. He let out a long breath when he was fully seated and took a moment to get himself under control. Jack was hot and hard inside him, he stretched him, filled him so completely in this position that it took all of his strength not to come right then.

Jack squeezed his thighs with warm hands. “Ride me,” he said, desire turning his voice to gravel. “Ride me hard.”

Ianto flexed his thighs, raising himself slowly and then dropping back down, impaling himself on Jack’s cock. They both moaned.

“Like that, Jack? Is that what you want?”

“God, yes, Ianto! Want to watch you!”

Ianto raised himself up again, soon finding a rhythm that felt amazing but wouldn’t make him come just yet. He wanted to give Jack the show he’d asked for. As he moved gracefully up and down on Jack’s hard length, Ianto brought his hand to his mouth. Keeping his eyes glued to Jack’s, Ianto drew his index finger between his lips, wetting it thoroughly. He then trailed his hand down to his nipple where he used the damp finger to tease and stroke himself. He whimpered, his head falling back of its own volition as he increased the pressure, flicking and tweaking the taut flesh.

Jack moaned something unintelligible and tightened his grip on Ianto’s thighs. His eyes were almost black with passion and they never left Ianto.

Ianto spent a few moments teasing his other nipple before sliding both hands down his chest, his belly, to his straining cock. He let his left hand continue on down his leg until it found Jack’s hand. He tightened his grip on his cock as he caressed the back of Jack’s hand. He was pleased when that hand turned under his attentions to clasp desperately at his own.

“Soon?” he asked softly, bringing their joined hands to his mouth for a kiss. He swiveled his hips on the downward stroke and whimpered again as Jack’s cock drove into his prostate making him see stars.

“Soon!” Jack gasped. He planted his feet on the mattress and thrust up into Ianto, eliciting a cry from his lover.

“God, Jack! Again!” He cried out when Jack obeyed, pushing deep as Ianto pushed down. “Yes! Make me come on your cock, Jack. Make me come!”

Jack groaned and freed his hand. He grasped Ianto’s hips and held him tight, anchoring him as he rode harder. Soon, Ianto was moving up and down on Jack’s cock with such speed that he was almost bouncing. He fisted his own cock in time with his movements, feeling the tension begin to draw up in the small of his back, pooling in his balls as they tightened. Jack thrust into him again and again, his face and chest covered with a fine sheen of sweat as he worked.

“God, Ianto! You look - It’s so good, you feel so - Come for me, come around me, let me feel you.”

Jack’s words were the final straw. With a cry that might have been Jack’s name, Ianto’s entire body clenched with pleasure. He arched his back and his fingers flew over his pulsing cock, stroking himself through his climax until he couldn’t stand the contact with his sensitized skin any more. He dropped his hands to Jack’s chest, trying to keep himself vertical for a little longer.

Jack gazed up at him as he continued to thrust. Ianto pushed down hard, squeezing his muscles around Jack’s cock, forcing him over the edge. Jack shouted and gripped Ianto’s hips even tighter as he pounded into his arse, liquid heat filling him, smoothing the way for Jack’s last few thrusts.

Ianto could still feel Jack’s cock throbbing inside of him as he collapsed onto his lover. His arms simply gave out and he rested his cheek on Jack’s chest as they both lay there, panting from their exertions. He felt Jack’s arms come around him and hold him tight. Dimly, he felt Jack lift him slightly and he groaned when Jack slipped from his body. Then Jack’s arms were around him again and Jack’s lips found his, coaxing soft moans from him as they kissed.

“How did you like the show?” Ianto murmured when his mouth was free again.

Jack kissed the soft patch of skin behind Ianto’s ear and sighed, his breath ruffling Ianto’s hair. “It was perfect,” he whispered. “Now when I watch us in the conference room, I can remember tonight too.”

Ianto chuckled. “Do you watch it a lot?” he inquired.

“Only on nights you’re not here,” Jack admitted.

“Well,” Ianto said as he stretched and curved into Jack’s body, Jack’s arm automatically snaking around his waist and pulling him close. “We might have to expand your viewing options.”

“Oh yeah?” Jack asked eagerly.

“Yeah, wouldn’t want you to get bored.”

Jack sighed happily. “That’s my Ianto, always thinking of others.”

“Actually, it’s purely selfish,” Ianto said behind a yawn. “You’re dangerous when you’re bored.”

Chuckling, Jack nuzzled the back of Ianto’s neck. “Go to sleep, Ianto.”

“Yes, sir,” Ianto mumbled and obeyed.

~ * ~ finis ~ * ~

continue on to  Chapter Fifty-Five 

vizzini'srule, fanfic, jack/ianto

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