Title: The Sea After a Storm, Chapter 43
Rating: R
Warnings: None really, just don't feel like changing the rating :)
Spoilers: Season Two thru To the Last Man (2x03)
Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Disclaimer: Torchwood and all its wonderfulness belong to the Mighty Beeb and He Who Must Not Be Named. All ©'s to Helen Raynor for situations borrowed from To the Last Man. No infringement, only worship intended!
Summary: In which the team recovers from their brush with the time shift...
Notes: You can find all the previous chapters to
The Sea After a Storm here. This is a sequel to
Vizzini’s Rule and
To The Pain. Thanks again and forever to my amazing beta, wonderful friend
thraceadamsfor all the help and support; any mistakes are mine!
The Sea After a Storm: Chapter Forty-Three
Previously on The Sea After a Storm: After a scary moment where it seemed as if the time-shift would destroy the world, Tosh helped Tommy use the rift key to save them all...
Owen, Jack, and Ianto lingered over their late lunch, eating and talking and just generally unwinding. After Owen finished his beer and helped to make sure that there weren't many leftovers, he headed home. Before he left, he assured them that he'd swing by Tosh's flat and make sure she was holding up okay. Ianto walked Owen out, closing up the Tourist Office and setting the alarms on his way back down to the Hub. When he returned, Jack was still sitting on the sofa, but the remnants of lunch had been tidied away.
"Thanks," Ianto sighed as he dropped next to Jack on the sofa and let his head fall onto Jack's shoulder.
"You're welcome," Jack replied. He slid his arm around Ianto's shoulders and pulled him close. "How's your head?" he asked softly, resting his cheek on Ianto's hair.
"Better," Ianto said. A second later it dawned on him what Jack's question meant. "Hey, how did you know it was bothering me?"
Jack chuckled and held Ianto tighter. "I was concerned that the time-shift might affect you, but I didn't want to bring it up beforehand and make you worry. You know, the whole 'don't think about elephants' thing. But I made sure to keep an eye on you during the shift. I could tell you were hurting but you didn't let it affect you or what you needed to do."
Ianto could hear the pride in Jack's voice and flushed a little. "It was just a headache," he said, trying to downplay it.
This time Jack's chuckle was more of a snort. "I was afraid you were going to pass out at one point," Jack said dryly. He stroked his hand up and down Ianto's arm. "I wanted to hold you so bad but you were too far away and I couldn't leave Tosh," he whispered regretfully.
"Of course you couldn't," Ianto said. "I - honestly, I stepped back in case I did pass out. I didn't want to take anyone down with me," he added ruefully.
"I'm sorry it was that painful," Jack murmured.
There was a pause and then Ianto began pleating the leg of Jack's trousers while he said haltingly, "Do you... do you think it, well, I... do you think I could be fixed?"
"Fixed?" Jack repeated. He shifted slightly so he could look down at Ianto's face. "Fixed how?"
"So I don't... feel time or whatever it is that happens."
"Ohhh, Ianto," Jack sighed. "I wouldn't even know where to begin. I have a feeling it's just part of you - whether it's always been there or if it's something that happened to you at Torchwood One when the Doctor opened the Void."
With a frown, Ianto thought, It always comes back to the Doctor. Before he could say anything, however, Jack spoke again.
"I don't think it can be undone."
Ianto shrugged and nestled closer to Jack as he nodded. "I assumed as much. I just thought it was worth asking."
Jack sighed again and put both arms around his lover. "I would take it away if I could," he swore.
"I know you would," Ianto murmured.
They sat in silence for a few long minutes, just holding one another, until Jack spoke.
"Well, what should we do with our night off?" he asked.
"Hmm." Ianto pondered. "We could go out to dinner but we just ate. Fancy a film?"
"Eh. I'm not in the mood for crowds. Actually, I'd really love to go home. I mean, back to the flat - your flat," he corrected himself hurriedly.
Ianto smiled against Jack's neck and kissed the soft skin under his lips. "Sounds nice," he said lightly, deliberately not making a big deal of Jack's words even though they made his stomach do a flip. "We could catch a film on the telly. Maybe pick up a bottle of wine? Order in and make an early night of it," he added, sucking up a light mark on Jack's neck. He chuckled and added, "Your bed is really not meant for two people."
"Hey, I tried to tell you that," Jack huffed. "You were the one who insisted on staying here last night."
Laughing, Ianto sat up and kissed Jack soundly. "Yes, and I don't regret a second of it. But our backs will thank us in the morning if we don't try for a repeat performance."
"Speaking of..." Jack groaned as he followed Ianto up off the sofa. "My back is a little sore today. I might need a massage from a gorgeous, naked Welshman."
Ianto snorted. "I don't think you can order in one of those," he teased.
Jack wrapped his arms around Ianto's waist from behind and used his most seductive tone. "What if I asked very, very nicely?" he practically purred.
Ianto shivered and leant back against Jack. "When you put it that way... you just might get lucky."
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
While Jack locked down the Hub, Ianto made a quick call to Tosh.
"Ianto? Hi, what's... Owen Harper, do not open that bottle! Sorry," Tosh said more quietly.
Ianto laughed. "Owen's still there?"
"He won't leave," she complained, although Ianto could hear a hint of happiness in her voice. "He's under the mistaken impression that I need company and he's raiding my wine rack."
Ianto heard Owen speak, but he couldn't quite make it out. "That was dirty wasn't it?" he asked.
"Of course. What did you need, Ianto? I'm sorry I rushed off before you got back with lunch, I just..."
"No apologies necessary, I completely understand," Ianto hurried to say. "I just wanted to do one of our quick 'are you okay?' checks after everything today. Well, I'm sure you're not okay but you know what I mean."
"Thanks, Ianto, really. I... I'm dealing, I guess. I mean, I only saw him for one day a year anyway so it's not like things are really that different it's just..."
"It's different," Ianto agreed softly.
"Yeah," Tosh sighed. There was a pause and then Tosh made a surprised squeak. Before Ianto could ask what was wrong, he heard Owen's voice over the phone.
"None of that now, I just got her to stop moping."
"Sorry," Ianto apologised, smiling when he heard Tosh say 'I do not mope!' in the background. "Sounds like you're just what the doctor ordered."
"Ha bloody ha," Owen deadpanned. "Go let Jack do perverted things to you so Tosh and I can drink this bottle of wine in peace."
"That's the plan," Ianto said dryly. "Tell Tosh goodnight for me."
"Ianto says goodni- " The call ended abruptly as Owen hung up.
"How's she doing?" Jack asked quietly from behind Ianto, the melancholy from earlier back in his voice.
He snapped his phone closed and slipped it in his pocket as he turned around. "Better, I think. Owen is nothing if not a distraction."
"True," Jack said. He pulled Ianto into a hug and then whispered in his ear, "Take me home and distract me for a while?"
Ianto nodded, holding Jack close. "Yes, sir."
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
They spent the evening by the fire, neither of them in the mood for a film after all. They shared a bottle of wine just as Owen and Tosh were doing across town and talked about the events of the day, of Tommy, of Harriet and Gerald and others they'd known who had sacrificed themselves for the greater good. Eventually, talk turned to action as they offered each other the comfort of their bodies, hands and mouths. When they made love, it was slow and tender and tinged with sadness - half mourning, half celebration, for those they'd lost and those they'd saved.
Jack fell into a deep sleep once they made it to Ianto's bed, but Ianto was unable to drop off so quickly. His mind was racing with names and dates of former Torchwood employees cut down before their time just like Tommy. Unbidden, Harriet Derbyshire leapt to the forefront of his thoughts. He could see her perfectly in his mind's eye - so happy, so pretty, so dedicated to Torchwood. She was only a little older than he was now when she died. He didn't allow himself to dwell on the details of her brutal end, but he wondered again just how much time he had left before some case, some alien artefact or weevil or impossible situation got the better of him.
He glanced over as Jack shifted in his sleep, his hand reaching out, groping for something. Ianto's lip curved into a slight smile and he reached out to put his hand in Jack's. For a second there was no change on Jack's face, but then the worry line between his eyebrows faded and he let out a soft sigh. Ianto's smile grew wider and he moved closer to Jack, letting Jack pull him into his arms.
"Ianto," Jack murmured, still mostly asleep.
"I'm here, Jack." Ianto reassured his lover with a kiss, reminding himself that while he couldn't do anything about the future, the present, his time with the team, with Jack, was something he would never take for granted again. His last thought as he drifted off to sleep was that Tommy would be happy with that legacy.
TBC in
Chapter Forty-Four .
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