Mission 101!

Aug 30, 2011 00:00

My Mission 101

101 goals to achieve in 1001 days.

Start Date: Dec. 2, 2008
End Date: Aug. 30, 2011

In Progress

Updated July 27, 2010

  1. Lose 100 lbs.
  2. Lose 10 lbs. by 12/31/08
  3. Get windshield fixed on Aveo
  4. Buy a headstone for Mom's grave
  5. Don't drink soda for 1 month
  6. and another month...
  7. and another...
  8. and just one more!
  9. Buy a bike.
  10. Bikeride on the Towpath.
  11. Start and complete Project 365.
  12. Write 100 different quotes on Post-it notes and place in random places.
  13. Finish our wedding scrapbook.
  14. Finish Lizzie's wedding scrapbook.
  15. Get teeth cleaned (and cavities filled)
  16. Find new pen pals and keep in touch.
  17. Mail Christmas cards by 12/15 every year.
  18. Vacuum every weekend for 1 month. (and keep going...)
  19. Wash dishes every night during the week.
  20. Join a writing class.
  21. Join an art class.
  22. Volunteer to ring the bell for the Salvation Army.
  23. Buy Spencer a book every month starting 1/09
  24. Get to know my mother-in-law.
  25. Get up before 9 am every morning for 1 month.
  26. Go to Walt Disney World for my 30th birthday.
  27. Go back to Chicago.
  28. Go back to NYC.
  29. Grow hair long enough to donate to charity.
  30. Exercise at least 3 times a week for 1 month.
  31. Get off blood pressure medication.
  32. Do something randomly romantic for my husband every week.
  33. Recognize friends' birthdays and anniversaries all year long by sending cards.
  34. Get all pictures sorted in albums.
  35. Grow and plant a tree.
  36. And another!
  37. And just one more!
  38. Plant morning glories in the spring.
  39. Buy cube shelves for bedroom.
  40. Finish 50 books in one year.
  41. Keep my car clean for one month.
  42. And another month!
  43. And yet another!
  44. Get eye exam done.
  45. Join Netflix again.
  46. Watch "Rent".
  47. Watch "West Side Story".
  48. See a Broadway show.
  49. Back up all of our music on CD.
  50. Back up all of our pictures on CD.
  51. Grant at least 3 holiday_wishes every year.
  52. Update Livejournal at least twice a week.
  53. Pay for the order of the person behind me in the drive-thru.
  54. Pay off Capital One credit card.
  55. Learn how to knit something besides a scarf or blanket.
  56. Make a routine of wearing make-up and doing hair for work.
  57. Try a new recipe every week for 1 month.
  58. Blow bubbles in public.
  59. Take Spencer to the zoo.
  60. Teach Spencer how to say "Aunt Molly".
  61. Visit Niagara Falls randomly.
  62. Get a pedicure.
  63. Stop biting fingernails.
  64. Get a massage.
  65. Boost my libido.
  66. Tell my husband I love him everyday.
  67. Go to a Browns game.
  68. Go to a Cavs game.
  69. Visit 3 different baseball parks.
  70. Buy a fireproof safe.
  71. Try 10 new restaurants every year.
  72. Take a cooking class.
  73. Watch "Freaks and Geeks" series.
  74. Build a snowman.
  75. Post results (and pictures) on Livejournal monthly.
  76. Do 26 Things 
  77. Visit Aunt Sally in Toledo.
  78. Bulk up our savings account. (at least $1000 by the end of this mission)
  79. Pay off student loans finally.
  80. Do an "About Me" post and update regularly.
  81. Send a PostSecret.
  82. Write letter to myself 10 years from now.
  83. Learn yoga.
  84. Complete 1000 piece puzzle.
  85. Do another beer tour.
  86. Turn 30.
  87. Build up boardgame collection. (get the classics)
  88. Buy a lottery ticket.
  89. Post 101 things that make me happy.
  90. Get computer updated.
  91. Visit Grandma Scherer once a month.
  92. Visit Grandpa Littlefield.
  93. Visit Dad once a month.
  94. Buy a scale.
  95. Get Mike's car fixed or replaced.
  96. Have money saved to buy a house. (or have some idea for that goal)
  97. Have a plan on when to start a family.
  98. Sort through our storage locker before moving again.
  99. Celebrate 10 years at Walgreens.
  100. No fast food for 1 month.
  101. Love life.

mission 101: list

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