My Mission 101
101 goals to achieve in 1001 days.
Start Date: Dec. 2, 2008
End Date: Aug. 30, 2011
In Progress
Updated July 27, 2010
- Lose 100 lbs.
- Lose 10 lbs. by 12/31/08
- Get windshield fixed on Aveo
- Buy a headstone for Mom's grave
- Don't drink soda for 1 month
- and another month...
- and another...
- and just one more!
- Buy a bike.
- Bikeride on the Towpath.
- Start and complete Project 365.
- Write 100 different quotes on Post-it notes and place in random places.
- Finish our wedding scrapbook.
- Finish Lizzie's wedding scrapbook.
- Get teeth cleaned (and cavities filled)
- Find new pen pals and keep in touch.
- Mail Christmas cards by 12/15 every year.
- Vacuum every weekend for 1 month. (and keep going...)
- Wash dishes every night during the week.
- Join a writing class.
- Join an art class.
- Volunteer to ring the bell for the Salvation Army.
- Buy Spencer a book every month starting 1/09
- Get to know my mother-in-law.
- Get up before 9 am every morning for 1 month.
- Go to Walt Disney World for my 30th birthday.
- Go back to Chicago.
- Go back to NYC.
- Grow hair long enough to donate to charity.
- Exercise at least 3 times a week for 1 month.
- Get off blood pressure medication.
- Do something randomly romantic for my husband every week.
- Recognize friends' birthdays and anniversaries all year long by sending cards.
- Get all pictures sorted in albums.
- Grow and plant a tree.
- And another!
- And just one more!
- Plant morning glories in the spring.
- Buy cube shelves for bedroom.
- Finish 50 books in one year.
- Keep my car clean for one month.
- And another month!
- And yet another!
- Get eye exam done.
- Join Netflix again.
- Watch "Rent".
- Watch "West Side Story".
- See a Broadway show.
- Back up all of our music on CD.
- Back up all of our pictures on CD.
- Grant at least 3 holiday_wishes every year.
- Update Livejournal at least twice a week.
- Pay for the order of the person behind me in the drive-thru.
- Pay off Capital One credit card.
- Learn how to knit something besides a scarf or blanket.
- Make a routine of wearing make-up and doing hair for work.
- Try a new recipe every week for 1 month.
- Blow bubbles in public.
- Take Spencer to the zoo.
- Teach Spencer how to say "Aunt Molly".
- Visit Niagara Falls randomly.
- Get a pedicure.
- Stop biting fingernails.
- Get a massage.
- Boost my libido.
- Tell my husband I love him everyday.
- Go to a Browns game.
- Go to a Cavs game.
- Visit 3 different baseball parks.
- Buy a fireproof safe.
- Try 10 new restaurants every year.
- Take a cooking class.
- Watch "Freaks and Geeks" series.
- Build a snowman.
- Post results (and pictures) on Livejournal monthly.
- Do 26 Things
- Visit Aunt Sally in Toledo.
- Bulk up our savings account. (at least $1000 by the end of this mission)
- Pay off student loans finally.
- Do an "About Me" post and update regularly.
- Send a PostSecret.
- Write letter to myself 10 years from now.
- Learn yoga.
- Complete 1000 piece puzzle.
- Do another beer tour.
- Turn 30.
- Build up boardgame collection. (get the classics)
- Buy a lottery ticket.
- Post 101 things that make me happy.
- Get computer updated.
- Visit Grandma Scherer once a month.
- Visit Grandpa Littlefield.
- Visit Dad once a month.
- Buy a scale.
- Get Mike's car fixed or replaced.
- Have money saved to buy a house. (or have some idea for that goal)
- Have a plan on when to start a family.
- Sort through our storage locker before moving again.
- Celebrate 10 years at Walgreens.
- No fast food for 1 month.
- Love life.