Charles; being the strongest Telepath in his canon (at least currently) has the bad habit of being nosy (even unconscious) and thus I've put together this poorly formed Permissions Post. Mind you, he wont always nose into peoples minds, he tries not to-- but sometimes it happens.
Character: (Who you're doing permissions for, if you've
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Comments 11
How Deep?: Fairly deep, as he possesses no mental block to speak of. However, he'll attempt to change thoughts if he gets the suspicion that anything of the mind reading nature is taking place.
What Sort of Things Will He See?: (Protective) Thoughts of his brother, Lelouch, and whether this or that person is an obstacle or not. He tends to be fairly negative and critical, and Charles may pick up on the fact that he's an assassin. These are what his mind is dominated by, more or less, but I'll provide basic thoughts and whatnot in brackets when interaction happens. On the bare surface, he'll simply seem like an introverted pushover.
Abilities?: He has the ability to stop the temporal sense of living creatures in short bursts and a certain radius. Even if Charles can't pick up on Geass, Rolo ponders whether or not to his use now and then, so it may come up some time or another.
Anything he shouldn't mention?: Essentially, anything that would write him off as more than a mere student, since a large part of ( ... )
How Deep?: Pretty deep, no mental block.
What Sort of Things Will He See?: The four voices speaking in his head, he's got a SPACIAL RAPE FROM BEYOND TIME named Yggdrasil wrapped around his soul who likes to talk to him. A lot. Hell, her presence in general, why not. The true thoughts and feelings that he tends to hide when he speaks. Thoughts regarding the few people he actually holds close. There'd also be a lot regarding the "game" and how it is a vicious son of a bitch that is trying to kill you. Thoughts regarding his mother.
He presents himself as incredibly cold and pretentious most of the time, almost seeming cruel in his interactions more often than not, but his true thoughts and feelings are generally much softer. So Charles might pick up on that divide.
Really? Just about everything. I'll put thoughts in brackets when need be.
Abilities?: Light manipulation, luck, Lovecraftian abomination-powered bullshit.
Anything he shouln't mention?: Go for it. He'll be annoyed but he'll play it off facetiously.
How Deep?: He doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve, but he's completely unguarded to telepathy so Charles could dig as deep as he wanted.
What Sort of Things Will He See?: Marco's a pirate, a phoenix, and still sort of really trying to work through the death of his father via ex-crewmember as well as that betrayal and the aftermath of how Blackbeard stole his father's special ability (like Marco being a phoenix) and could destroy the world with it (earthquakes ( ... )
Character: Just this guy, AU Sollux Captor.
How Deep?: Very deep. He's had his resistance to this kind of thing completely worn down.
What Sort of Things Will He See?: The most obvious thing is that Sollux's mind is a complete wreck - another telepath has worked it over hardcore, probably over the period of a few years. A lot of his ways of thinking have been psionically rewritten, mostly in the form of military brainwashing. He's been tortured and reprogrammed to be loyal to the people that did it to him, but that programming is kind of broken and malfunctioning. He's also been in combat a lot. In summation, the whole thing is a complete trainwreck and he has a really hard time thinking coherently. Most of that is another telepath's fault.
Abilities?: He's a very powerful telekinetic, with some suppressed precognitive ability.
Anything he shouldn't mention?: Obviously talking about all the horrible shit he went through would probably ruin his mood, but for the most part there's no specific pieces of information that will make him ( ... )
Character: BRO STRIDER
How Deep?: FAR AS YOU WANT it's mostly that Bro doesn't feel like blocking stuff
What Sort of Things Will He See?: He thinks about sex a lot :| Especially kinky, weird sex, and he's got a fetish for puppets of all kinds. He's also far less of a jerk than he appears, and genuinely cares about a LOT of people (mostly his kids)
If he goes back into Bro's memories he'll find out that he:
- Has a huge crush on Mom Lalonde
- Was grown from a vat and sent to Earth on a meteor
... ask for other stuff ...? Homestuck's complicated.
Abilities?: Bro's got superspeed; he does think very fast as well.
Anything he shouln't mention?: nnnnnnnot really?
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