Szaloniekozy422: mon coeur... il casse... Whoami1219: you are so in love
HAHAHAHAHA! Wow. That was funny.
There is a phenomenon in psychology known as cognitive dissonance. What it means is, when you say something you don't really mean over and over again you eventually start believing it. I think that this is what happens if the whole "Katia is in love" joke continues any longer. That would certainly be very interesting.
Comments 1
Whoami1219: you are so in love
HAHAHAHAHA! Wow. That was funny.
There is a phenomenon in psychology known as cognitive dissonance. What it means is, when you say something you don't really mean over and over again you eventually start believing it. I think that this is what happens if the whole "Katia is in love" joke continues any longer. That would certainly be very interesting.
You might like my cognitive dissonace essay.
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