
Dec 13, 2004 16:00

hey goofy kids. whats up ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

dixienormous04 December 13 2004, 15:47:09 UTC
you have a pet named chewy? *sigh*



chelcsmiles December 13 2004, 16:05:05 UTC
he's the cutest little doggie you will ever see. he's so hyper and he bites on random things like her blanket or her pants and he's got this really really annoying chew toy and everytime he chews on it i wanna like throw it out the window. his name is chewy which stands for chewbacka (spelling) from star wars and im not sure why, but britts boyfriend john named him that and then they shortened it to chewy. The end


buzzbuzzbb December 14 2004, 13:39:00 UTC
thank you for expalining the chewy thing.
and... hi kevin. thanks for commenting on my lj.
i feel loved *tear, sniffle, tear*


dixienormous04 December 13 2004, 19:18:15 UTC
thx fer story time... i guess...

....Chewy? .. *sigh*



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