(no subject)

Jun 21, 2009 13:23


Thank you to everyone who has responded and will participate on July 20th.
We seem to be heading towards a big and enthusiastic response. Wonderful!

Thank you very much to foreverbm who has graciously agreed to make icons for us.
She is always generous with her talent and creations.

So, we definitely have icons from kinnetikart and foreverbm.
Other talented people in our community may also volunteer to make icons.
**All people contributing icons will be acknowledged in a post in the near future.

In response to several inquiries, there will definitely be a multicolored ribbon icon.

**For suggestions, ideas and icons for July 20th, please send them to buzziecat@gmail.com
It's easier to receive them there than going back repeatedly to the original post.

Some time before July 20th, the suggestions and ideas will be shared in a post.

Examples of suggestions made thus far:

- People may want to post about personal experiences of receiving support;

- Extend the DAY OF SUPPORT to include people with loved ones and friends in Iraq, Afganistan and the armed forces in other dangerous places

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