my luddite parents just went out and bought a brand new dell computer and comcast high speed cable connection, but they won't let me download kazaa or some other file-trading program because they think, i'm going to download a virus and crash their computer. i tried the fact that statistically that's not very likely, and that it's tragic to have
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is a voice that needs to be heard, in a time when our civil liberties are shrinking like a dick in cold water (patriot act//cointelpro, anyone?) it's important for the "minority" of americans who oppose bush to have a voice, and to give someone like michael moore a platform for protest is an oppurtunity no PATRIOTIC (patriotism being defined as
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i enjoyed dancing with jayme tonite, that made it worth coming out. that and the homeboys, kris, heinz, ad rock, andy b, andy t, dukkus, killchop. the grrls too, few as they may be
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i need a new livejournal picture. this one is real old, jackie took it when we were like juniors. i want a digital camera. cuz the pics i took of me with my mohawk didn't turn out. i was pissed about that. the only pic that turned out halfway decent was the one of cassie that i took, and even that one isn't that good. someone with a digital camera
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i had a fucking awesome day. it started out real sketch, but as soon as i got out of the house nothing but good shit happened. me and heinz are straight, which is really really important to me, cuz despite only knowing him for like a month and a half or so, i consider him to be one of my close close friends. i got some nice leads on some medical
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