everyone else was doing it so i felt like i had to do it haha u kno how it goes
Name 20 people you know:
1. ally
2. kim
3. kenz
4. brit
5. Jess D
6. jessie
7. heather
8. merrick
9. jenn
10. erik
11. mike
12. ryan
13. johee
14. brian
15. lior
16. jaime
17. julianne
18. nick
19. chris
20. justin
-Who is #8 going out with?: no one that i kno of but i could be wrong
-Is #9 a boy or a girl?: girll
-Would #11 and #2 make a good couple? haha i don't think so
-How about #18 and #4?: no way
-What grade is #17 in?: shes gonna be a senior
-When was the last time you talked to #12?: a couple of hours ago
-What is #6's favorite band?: oh geez i have no idea
-Does #1 have any siblings?: 2 sisters, 1 brother
-Would you ever date #3?: no i don't swing that way
-Would you ever date #5?: nope ((same as above))
-#16 single?: yes
-What's #15's last name?: Marko
-What's #5's middle name?: ganine or something i kno how to say but i can't spell it to
save me hahasry jess<33
-What's #10's fantasy?: haha i dunno but it doesnt have ne thing to do with drugs or
alcohol i'm sure <33 straightedge
-Would #14 and #19 make a good couple?: nope
-What school does #20 go to?: faith heritagel
-And #1: somewhere in clyde haha
-Tell me a random fact about #11: funniest person u will ever meet
-And #3: she is a huge Good Charlotte fan like me haha jp kenz she's amazing
-Have you ever had a crush on #16?: nope
-Where does #9 live?: near P&C
-What's #4's favorite color?: green maybe i dunno
-Would you makeout with #14?: oo geez don't ask it's done and over with
-Are #5 & #6 best friends?: friends yea best friends nope
-Does #7 like #20?: haha she doesn't kno him
-Does #8 like #19?:i dunno
-How did you meet #15?: from heather i think freshmen year
-Does #10 have any pets?: nope
-Is #12 older than you?: i don;t think so but i dunno
-Have you ever given #13 a hug?: yup
-Is #17 the sexiest person ever?? haha <3
.:x Random Questions x:.
1. What type of music is better?
a) rap**
b) rock (punk rock yuppp)
c) metal
d) r&b
e) none
2. Which color is better?
a) blue
b) pink** of course
c) black
d) purple
e) none
3. Where would you rather visit?
a) mexico
b) puerto rico
c) jamaica
d) europe**
e) none
4. What color hair would you like?
a) black
b) red
c) pink
d) black with red
e) none**
5. What's your race?
a) puerto rican
b) mexican
c) black
d) white**
e) none
6. What store is better?
a) wal mart
b) target**
c) jc penny
d) Sears
e) none
7. What kind of brand do you like?
a) hollister
b) abercrombie
c) made** omg yea GC <33333
d) g-unit
e) none
8. Which movie is better?
a) coach carter
b) texas chainsaw massacre
c) the seed of chuckie
d) the ring 2**
e) none
9. Who's better?
a) evanescence
b) hoobastank
c) yellowcard**
d) metallica
e) none
10. Which is your favorite show?
a) summerland**
b) 106 & park
c) girlfriends
d) the parkers
e) none (but there's way better ones on MTV and such)
[[*Movies You've Seen Survey*]]
Put A Star Next To Each Movie You've Seen.
/White Noise
/Hide And Seek
/Meet The Fockers*
/The Grudge*
/A Walk To Remember***
/Pirates Of The Carribean*
/What A Girl Wants*
/Finding Nemo*
/Mean Girls*
/The Borrowers
/A Cinderella Story*
/50 First Dates*
/Little Secrets
/Raise Your Voice
/Freaky Friday*
/School Of Rock
/Shrek 2*
/Peter Pan*
/Spiderman 2*
/Ice Age*
/Ella Enchanted*
/Dude Wheres My Car*
/The Lizzie McGuire Movie
/White Chicks
/Big Fat Liar*
/Dumb And Dumber*
/The Hot Chick*
/The Haunted Mansion
/How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days*
/How To Deal*
/I, Robot*
/Without A Paddle
/Are We there Yet
/The Princess Diaries 2
/Because Of Winn-Dixie
/Ocean's Twelve
/Lemony Snicket's A Series Of Unfortunate Events
/National Treasure
/The Spongebob Squarepants Movie
/The Incredibles*
/Enduring Love
/Million Dollar Baby
/Son Of The Mask
[([Stereotype Survey])]
-[-Prep Stereotype-]-
[How often do you say the word 'like'?] a ton
[Do you spend most of your time on your appearance?] ehh sometimes it depends on what i plan on doing later and who i'll be seeing
[Do you shop at Abercrombie/Hollister?] ehh not so much
[Is make-up one of your most prized possessions?] no
[Do you flip your hair almost all the time?] nope
-[-Goth Stereotype-]-
[Do you wear black and only black?] nope
[Do you do drugs?] no
[Suffering with suicidal idealations?] no
[Hopelessly depressed?] ehh no
[Horrible home life?] eh kinda
-[-Punk Stereotype-]-
[Mohawks your fave hairstyle?] no
[Excessive piercings?] nope
[Wild hair colors?] no
[Loud, confident, & opinionated?] sometimes
[Excessive tattoos?] not on me but i like them on other people
Have I ever:
() crashed a friend's car
() been to Japan
(x) ridden in a taxi
(x) been in love
() been dumped
() been fired
(x) been in a fist fight
(x) snuck out
() ever had a crush on someone of the same sex
() ever dated someone of the same sex
(x) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
() been arrested
() made out with a stranger
()stole something from your job
() celebrated New Years in Time Square
() gone on a blind date
(x) lied to a friend
() had a crush on a teacher
() celebrated mardi-gras in New Orleans
(i wish but no) been to Europe
() been married
() gotten divorced
() had children
(x) seen someone die
() been to Africa
(x) slapped/punched someone you love
(not yet but it's coming well maybe in albany 400 miles away?) driven over 400 miles to attend a show/festival
(x) been to Canada
() been to Mexico
(x) been on a plane
() seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
() thrown up in a bar
() purposely set a part of yourself on fire
(x) eaten Sushi
(x) been snowboarding
(x) Met someone in person from the internet
() had real feelings for someone you knew only online
() gone to college
() graduated college
() tried killing yourself
(x) taken painkillers
() intentionally burned oneself
(x) went to a prom
() bungee jumped
(x) have been to a pop concert
() have dated someone for a year or more
() sold naked pictures of yourself
(x) been in a car accident
() slept in the nude
(x) eaten cheesecake
() had jury duty
(x) hated someone without knowing them
() been to Maine
() shot a real gun
() had sex with someone within a week of meeting them
() made out with someone within 5 days of meeting them
(x) milked a cow
(x) got in a verbal fight
() lied one time in this survey
() threw a party at a friends house when they were gone
() committed a major crime
(x) dated someone older than you are
(x) gotten in trouble w/ the cops
(x) ran away
(x) lied about where you were going
(x) ever lied about your age
() taken a shower with opposite sex
() had a crush on some one from xanga/myspace
+ Known as: maria
+ Lives in: manlius
+ FiRST BREATH: nov 19th
+ School: fmhs
+ Hair color: brown
+ Eye color: brownnn
+ Style: usually i like pink but i don't think i really have a style
+ Fears: rejection and be lonly
+ Cheated on someone? no
+ Been Cheated on? no
+ Fallen off the bed? who hasn't? hah yes
+ broken someone`s heart? dunno
+ Had your heart broken? yes
+ Had a dream come true? yes
+ Done something you regret? hah yeah
+ Cheated on a test? yes once haha
+ Wearing? jean short and a red tank top
+ Listening to? the killers - mr brightside
+ Located? living room
+ Chatting with? no one really, i suck
+ Watching? computer??
+ Should REALLY be doing? watching the siblings haha
+ Brush your teeth? yesss i do
+ Like anybody? eh yeah
+ Have any piercings? yes
+ Drive? yes illegally yesss
+ Drink? sometimes
+ Smoke? nooo
+ Got a pager? nope
+ Who is your best? ally, kim, kenz
+ Who do you hate? a few but i won't name names that's mean
+ Who is the most talkative? lior haha
+ Who is the cutest? jess
+ Who laughs the most? me prolly i laugh at everything
+ Who have you known the longest? merrick
+ Who have you known the shortest? emma
+ Who do you miss the most? ally and some of the boys from "the crew"
+ Who do you go to with personal problems? kim & kenz
+ Do you hang out with the opposite sex? yes
+ Do you trust your friends? yes well most of them
+ Are you a good friend? i think so
+ Can you keep a secret? yes
+ Hugged? my little brother he fell of so i gave him a hug to feel better
+ Kissed? hmmm
+ IMed? kim maybe
+ Talked to on the phone? ryan
+ Yelled at? vincent
+ What do you want to be when you grow up? be a dentist haha but dream job would prolly be a choregrapher i LOVE to dance
+ What has been the best day of your life? so far the good charlotte and simple plan concert it was priceless i'd do ne thing to relive it again exactly the same with maybe some new perks to add
+ What comes first in your life? health and friends
+ Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? ehh kinda nothing serious
+ What do you usually think about before you go to bed? hot boys and life
+ How many times have you fallen in love? ehh twice maybe
+ Love your family? yeah, as much as i can hate them, i love them
+ Love your friends? yes
+ Movie: tie --cruel intentions, a walk to remember, and the notebook
+ Song: there's to many i can't pick just ONE
+ Band: as of right now good charlotte but it's always changing and it's hard to pick A favorite soooo
+ Store: Deb
+ Relative: my brothers, anthony, nick, leo and sometimes alicia
+ Sport: cheerleading!!!
+ Ice Cream Flavor: butterfinger crunch yummm
+ Fruit: hmm blueberries or grapes
+ Candy: lolly pops
+ Holiday:my birthday
+ Day of the Week: saturdays and fridays most of the time
+ Time of day: night
+ Color: pink
+ Quote: never regret anything that once made u smile or to the world u may be 1 person but to 1 person ur the world
+ Like to give hugs? yeah sometimes
+ Like to walk in the rain? i love it
+ Prefer black or blue pens? blue
+ Like to travel? yeahhh
+ Sleep on your side, tummy or back? all of them i'm all over the place in the bed haha ; )
+ Think you're attractive? sometimes.
+ Have a goldfish? nope
+ Ever have the falling dream? hmm yea i think so
+ Have stuffed animals? yea tons of bears i loved collecting them as a kid
+ Abortion: pro choice
+ Smoking: yuck.
+ Summer: love itttttt
+ Tattoos: most of the time there hot but there just not for me
+ Piercings: i like some but some are gross
+ Pierced nose or tongue? nose
+ Single or taken? taken
+ 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? ehh dawson's??
+ Silver or gold? gold
+ Chocolate or flowers? flowers
+ Stay up late or sleep in? stay up late
+ Hot or cold? HOT
+ Sun or moon? ummm both
+ Left or Right? right
+ 10 Acquaintances or one best friend? one best friend
+ Mustard or ketchup?neither yuck
+ Spring or Fall? fall
+ Happy or sad? happy
+ Wonder or amazement? amazement
+ McDonald's or Burger King? bk
+ Mexican or Italian food? italian yummm
+ Lights on or off? depends
+ Candy or soda? candy
+ Pepsi or Coke? neither i like my water