Brootal Sun Fest II - Day 2

Mar 15, 2011 23:22

Day 2 @ Dry River/Skrappys, Saturday, March 12

I woke up late on Saturday, so I missed half of the Day session, but I got there just in time to see The Articles. It was strange to see a show at Dry River in the middle of the afternoon, with the sun shining bright.
Steff Koeppen and the Articles


This guy was fascinating, told very interesting stories and sang with some intense passion.

Captain Squeegee

Brass section.

Human Behavior

Andy filled in when one of the bands didn't make it.


Last show ever... and it was great. Sad that it was the first time I saw them.

and then there was some craziness.

Looks like the crowd is about to attack the band...

..but then there was a sing-along. And all were happy.

Jimbo again. That was a well use drum kit during the weekend.

Forrest and Gonzo

A Forrest and Gonzo Collaboration.

With the spirit of Huerta (see poster), although he was actually in the audience.

Andy's sister

covering The Moldy Peaches

Madeline Ava

Yet another favorite. Just try not to fall in love after hearing her sing.
Check out her songs @

You just can't resist a ukulele. [Gnarwhal!]

Monster Pussy

Everybody loves Mullarkey. How can you not? He loves you.

Woolly Mammoth

Some familiar faces in this band.


The Wild

Loving this banjo in the shape of a guitar.

Logan jumps on to Tristan during The Wild's set.

I wasn't the only one lovin' it.

Like I said, random pic of Lauren #2.

They brought the house down and it wasn't over yet...

Doctor Dinosaur

It was shirts 'n' skins during Doctor D's set.

Tim is looking really creepy here. Like undead creepy.

Best Doctor D set ever. The crowd reaction was great, albeit curious at times. (eXtreme! Red Rover)

brootal sun fest ii, pictures

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