Brootal Sun Fest II - Day 3 (Night Session)

Mar 16, 2011 01:26

Day 3 @ Skrappys, Sunday, March 13

The main event...

Jaime J.

And now, time for something completely different...

Mullarkey joins in for "Boys Don't Cry"

James Rabbit


More familiar faces.

Cuckoo Chaos

A conga line breaks out in the crowd.

Not sure what this was but it lasted for quite some time and they ran by really fast.

Kind of Like Spitting

Logan jumped on stage to join in on a Kimya Dawson cover.

Andrew Jackson Jihad

Logan reluctantly making a speech at the end of the night. "Man, banter is hard." - Logan Greene

Jessie choosing the raffle winner. Strange how the winners of the Saturday and Sunday raffles were Brootal organizers... [slim] shady. =)

And that was the end of a great four-day weekend. Can't wait for next year. Until then, Logan, you can relax. Just breath!

brootal sun fest ii, pictures

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