My apologies for the delay in results. We were (and are) very low on votes this challenge and I was waiting for more voters... it didn't happen. =\ Thankfully results were moderately clear.
holidaylightsPeople's Choice:
00mina Eliminated:
holidaylightsw/ -04 votes
( Please stick around for voting and/or check out
bwchallenge for challenge-based black and white icon making )
People's Choice:
00minaw/ +04 votes
holidaylights and
rahelcsy did not vote and are unable to win people's choice.
bubbly will be making banners this week. Let me know if there are any problems!
01: (-01)(+03) = +02
02: NONE
03: (+04)
04: NONE
05: (-02)
06: (-04)
eliminated • favorite
Votes have been unscreenedChallenge eight will be up momentarily.