Round Three: Challenge Four

Jul 13, 2008 09:14

If you run across any problems or have any questions (especially with drinking glass which is a bit vague), please let me know as soon as possible. I don't like forcing people to skip when there was just a misunderstanding that could've easily been resolved if the icon/question was posted earlier in the challenge.


You must be signed up and eligible to enter the current round.

ENTIRE icon must be black & white. No reds, no greens. Black. White. That's all. No exceptions.

Submit ONE (1) icon.

Icon must fit LJ standards (<= 100x100px; <=40kb; .gif, .png, .jpg/.jpeg)

Animation is allowed.

You are NOT REQUIRED to use the images provided. Feel free to use other images, but please leave a link to the original cap/pic with your submission.

You MUST adhere to (at least) one theme.

You can mix themes but by no means are required or expected to mix them.

ALL icons must remain anonymous until results have been posted.

Please post in the following format:
CAP RESOURCE(S): (if applicable)


Pride & Prejudice
Drinking Glasses
House MD

OutNow.CH & Long Ago Captures
stock.xchng & bluebear_74

Due Date: Friday, July 18th @ 10PM PST
Entered: 24/28
Skipping: jam_min & netbug009

3.04, theme: movie: pride & prejudice, theme: tv: house md, !!!challenge, -round 03, theme: stock: drinking glasses

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