all of a sudden everyone thinks they are so high and mighty, like they're someone. what is this? and than i love how people have to justify their reasons for "being cool"
Apparently...i must've missed the meeting where making fun of people made you cool, i don't mean being funny to make fun of people i mean doing it to be mean. What happened to the whole "do unto others as you'd have them do unto you.." guess that don't apply with these cool people. I know I should be one to talk, yeah i joke around.I am just as gulity. but i never mean it really, i only make fun of people if they have done it to someone else.
And i hate how i am nice to people and i get shit in return. If i lend you money once..ok it's ok don't worry bout it. but when i constantly lend it to better pay me back dammit. that's ridiculous i'm not a freakin bank.
another thing, what is with these flat chested skinny-as-a-board models in magazines. i thought this country had a problem with people wanting a bigger chest and all you see is clothes made for people with nothing who use tissues and god knows what for padding. give me a break. i made one observation
I'll be politically correct about it too..
"colored" people like full figures and curves
However, caucasion people like the skinny as a rail, i haven't eaten in days look.