Woah, from totally depressing to something totally different.
So, lately, I've picked up this total DRUG man. I'm living hardcore. No, not crack. Not speed, not nicotine. Sheesh, read the title of the page, idiot! It's South Park.
Oh, sorry, sorry. I just called you an idiot. Meh, Okay. So yeah. I'm addicted man, can't stop. I'm goin' crazayy! I've seen all episodes in the last few days. I think South Park is my anti-boolprop cause. It's the only reason I'm not dragging my ass back to that place. Whatever.
So, since my dad let me and my brother watch south park a few days ago, my brother was like: "SWEET!" and then we went into this site, you may have heard of it:
http://www.southparkstudios.com/ It's freaking amazing, all South Park Episodes for free man. FREE. And it's totally legal, 'cuz the person who made it works for the creators of South Park. Since I found it, I now have a South Park desktop wallpaper and screensaver, and I doodle the characters during school.
My favorite character HAS to be Jimmy. I absolutely love him. After that is Timmy, then Kenny. I like the cripples and peoples you can't understand. Sure, you can understand Jimmy, but he stutters a lot. And Kenny does actually talk, but you have to listen hard to understand him. TIMMAH! Timmy? Timmy, Livin' the lie! Yeah. That kinda sums up that one.
If you don't watch South Park, please, watch it or crawl into a hole and die. 'kay?