1) All characters MUST be original. Canon character are currently not being accepted into the game. They will make apperances as called for by the plot (played by a mod), but at the moment, only characters that are created for this game may be used. The character application can be found here. If you would like to have a thread with a canon character, ask and present a good case and the mods will consider it.
2) This game is considered AU, due to some facts/information being tweaked. HOWEVER, most information from the movies can be used. Ex: The Golden Gate Bridge Scene did happen. Most canon events are still intact. If you have any questions, please, contact a mod.
3) Each character is required to have a character journal. These journals are used for character thoughts // ideas // etc. Without them, your character would have no option to interact with others outside of gameplay. These journals are also the only acceptable way to post in character. No personal journals may be used.
4) Along with that, each character must have a PB or a body model. PBs must be an actor/actress/model. All PBs must be age-appropriate. No using a thirty year old PB for a twelve year old student, please. PBs are the only way for other members to get an actual visual of what your character looks like.
5) Since this game is made up of entirely original characters, you do not actually have to have knowledge of the X-Men fandom. If you feel that you would like to play, then simply fill out an application, and those of us who are well versed in the fandom will be more than glad to help you out! Also, remember that
Wikipedia is your friend! :)
6) Please, try to keep your character within reasonable limits. This means no all-powerful characters. Your character must have weaknesses to balance out the strengths.
7) Third person is to be used during In Game threading; First person may be used in journal enteries.
8) Currently, the set character limit is five (5). This means that you can have no more than five characters In Game at once. Also on this note, you must wait two weeks (2) before applying with another character. Also keep in mind that you must be active (with all your current characters) to gain the right to another character.
9) One In Game week will equal two Out of Character (OOC) weeks. Therefore, for each week in game, you will get two (2) real time weeks to play it. A new week will be posted every two weeks. The new week post will include important information and newspaper headlines for each day.
10) For each opening post, certain information MUST be included. Information such as Date, Time, Week, Characters, Location, and Reason must be included.
Please use this format when posting a new thread:
Date:Time:Week Number // Name:Characters Open To // Involved:Reason: 11) Choose your characters wisely, only those that you THINK you will enjoy playing. It is understandable that some characters may want to be dropped, but please remember that dropping a character out of 'boredom' is frowned upon. This will only be allowed rarely.
12) Your character has the option to have an alias. This is the name that most people will identify with their powers. For example, Professor Munroe's alias is Storm. Most students have chosen an alias at or around the age of 13. However, it is not required, though please understand that if they do not pick their own alias, nicknames will begin floating around the school, and one of those are likely to stick.
13) Adult positions are far more rare and difficult to get. Please do not take the application lightly.
14) This game is rated PG-13, therefore no sexual content may be featured here. Implying it to an extent is fine, though no graphic detail. Also, only mild swearing is accepted.
15) Please, use your common sense. Social standards still apply within the school. Student/Teacher relationships are not allowed, and will be dealt with accordingly. Drugs, alcohol, and sneaking out are ALSO not permitted, though we understand that some teenagers do it. Please, exercise caution when dealing with this subject matter. There is a fine line. Try not to cross it.
16) Out of Character knowledge is NOT permitted to interfere with the game. Unless your character finds out about something in game, they don't know about it.
17) Students are expected to be in class, therefore they show up for class. If one is caught cutting class, appropriate steps will be taken (ex: detention). Also, if you play a professor, they are expected to post classroom threads. They are under the same rules as the students. If they cancel a class without prior permission, the appropriate steps will be taken with them also. (ex: Being called to the headmistresses office; suspension; fired) The latter will only be used as a last result.
18) Like previously stated, mutants of all ages are accepted into the school. However, to actually enter the academic portion of the school, it is suggested they be within the age range of seven and eighteen. However, if a mutant with exceptional abilites comes along that is older, and in the MUCH less likely instance, younger, they will be allowed to enter the school to learn, rather than just as a refuge.
19) Students over the age of fifteen may be eligible for the X-Men training program. Please understand that many students will not be accepted into the program, therefore, a limit of two (2) characters per player in this program will be allowed. You may put a request for this in your application and the mods will accept/reject it, or you may play for a while and then make a request for it in Plot Permission.
20) If you have any questions // comments // concerns, please feel free to contact the mods. We are here for your questions, and we want to help your playing experience more enjoyable.
1. What about mutants' class or levels?
Regarding power levels, as it is a very vague topic, even in the canon!verse, levels will not be required. They will be downplayed, and aren't very important. However, you are allowed to name your character's level, if you so desire. Just tread softly and make sure that your character's level makes sense according to his/her power.
2. How does rooming work?
Characters are assigned a specific hallway when they first are taken / come to the Institute, according to their age. Beyond that, they are allowed to choose which room and which partner they would like. As mutants are rare and the Institute will not be a very large school, there will only be two students per room.
Please, feel free to ask any questions you may have about the plot (mind, we may not answer these questions in full - we don't want to give anything away!) or game here. Good questions will be added to the FAQ, above.
Also, ask any permission requests relating to the plot here. (example: if you think your character is ready for the X-Men training squad, ask here, and et cetera.)