During the next five days, post three positive things about your day and ask three people to do the same so the positive attitude can gain some ground. (I really don't know who is on here these days so if you haven't been tagged -- *tag*.)
1. The weather - Summer is winding down, so the days are nice enough that you want to be outside and the evenings are just barely beginning to be brisk so I can break out all of my favourite hoodies.
The view from my apartment is nothing like this but on clear days you really can see stuff like this depending on where you are in the city.
2. Playing card games with my husband - We have a number of cooperative (or, as I call them, "don't get divorced games") card and board games that we can play. The Pathfinder Card Game recently came out with a new, pirate-themed set so we played that and Eldritch Horror today.
Hello, Bruce!
3. I was not on-call on Saturday. - We've been short-handed at work for various reasons so I spent a good chunk of last month either working long hours, or on-call, or both. I'll be back on-call at 4pm on Sunday but at least my Saturday was completely my own!
Yay! Happy things!