[Written; Near night time (Paprika isn't visible as she isn't imposing her image)]
I hope everyone has a good dream tonight.
[It ends there. She won't be answering anyone who tries responding. If anything it's only a precaution, so no one can say she didn't warn them. Even if she didn't make herself obvious - it wouldn't be much of a surprise if
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And I... d-do not deserve them because I have done nothing to earn them. Giles... I have never been able to help Giles, not in any... s-significant way. It has... it has always been the other way around.
[The dream's sky darkens slowly, a parody of nightfall.]
... and Don... how could I ever deserve someone as wonderful as him...?
[Robert still, sometimes, can't understand what he could possibly do to make the brilliant engineer happy.]
He pauses a moment, looking at Paprika. His consciousness is no longer entirely subconscious; he's fully aware, now, that he's dreaming, which is why the dream's background is wavering a little.
Somewhere in the back of his head (and it might manifest, in the bending of his dream), he's a little ashamed. He would've never said these things aloud.]
... That... that is what people have t-told me. But... it is hard to believe. Not after... [His fingers tremble, but this is his own mind and it's harder to filter out his thoughts here.] N-Not after what I did to him. M-my... former partner.
[At least Paprika didn't walk in on a drug scene dream.]
I don't know what happened to your partner, or what you did to him. I don't even care to know if you don't want to tell me. However, Robert, I know what type of person you are. You're good. I see no reason for you to change, other than getting some more confidence.
... I... I had difficulty understanding that concept. Terran ethics would... would argue that all harm is injustifiable.
But. But then... then Giles was... was killed...
[He's struggling. It's only the fact that this is internal - inside his mind, and not spoken aloud - that even lets him phrase this at all.]
... If... if the s-sapient who killed him had been... had been harmed - j-just enough to stop her, perhaps - then... then would that have been... justifiable...?
[He wrings his hands so hard it's like his fingers will break, and his voice is the soft waver of a querying child asking about zir punishment, but he's actually defending what should be the indefensible.]
Robert, the only thing that would have done was end in your death too. Giles was protecting you from that. You shouldn't take his sacrifice in vain by contemplating all of this.
... I know I... c-could not have done anything in this case...
... But if this happens again - to him, or to someone else - then... th-then I want to do something. Some attempt to help.
[He closes his eyes a moment.] I hate being useless...
Hey, lets have a change of scenery. [She says, slowly urging him to move hopefully out of the room somehow.]
Still, Robert allows himself to be led away from the destruction, away from Giles' body, which is still - unrealistically - bleeding even ages after he died.]
... Where can we even go? [He's not used to being able to lucid dream - this only happened once before, with Vivi.] I am still asleep, am I not...?
Her name was... V-Vivi Aislinn. [He looks down as he says her name - just another example of a time where he's failed to protect someone.]
[...Well sort of science. She is the disembodied subconscious of someone who overused the machines.]
I... I still miss her sometimes...
[A lot, actually. Especially now.]
It's a hat. A little safari hat.
Robert stoops slowly to pick it up, cradling it to his chest with a reverence unbefitting a simple hat.]
... I... I c-could never truly protect her... though I tried.
... How do you... p-protect people? And... and how do you stop them from... leaving?
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