Yes I know, I can't believe it either.
I've had the pleasure of running not one but two weekly (or so) Exalted campaigns the last couple months. Group one is my usual players plus one new one, Matt, that I met through
stalkeresque300. The game has been great fun though some players still haven't quite gotten the hang of their characters yet. They all know the system though and when I tell them a man in a silver mask and robes appears they know that the Emissary has come to choke a bitch. It lets me use some of the more esoteric parts of the system too. The climax of their current story was when they has to prevent a shinma of Language from being released on Nexus. They beat it with a Strength+Linguistics roll which I'm sure is some kind of first. They have now been saddled with keeping the peace in Firewander after pushing back the Wyld Zone half a mile.
Group two is a unique experience for me in that it is made up entirely of females.
stalkeresque300 dancing_wolf and
gearzealot to be precise. And the game is amazingly fun for the exact opposite reasons. The girls are all experienced RPers but none of them have played Exalted (except for Missa in a couple games last summer but that wasnt long enough to count.) So everything old is new again. When I tell them the Immaculate Order attacked a Celestial in a nexus neighborhood the other week I then have them make a roll to see how much their chars know about it instead of, as Rob did on one occasion, them being able to guess their nature, style, and likely coil within 2 minutes. And there are no squabbles over the rules because I'm the only one who knows them >_>
The two groups are wildly different in style. The guys tend to be more methodical, the girls more spontaneous(and perverted.) The guys have bought nothing but charms, the girls have been stocking up on abilities. I'm looking forward to seeing where both groups end up two months from now.