*The comm clicks to life broadcasting a black screen with a tiny sliver of greyish light. The communicator is sitting on the floor, with a large, scaly, crocadog butt plopped right on top of it. There's a few seconds of this before the feed finally shows something mildly interesting. The crocadog gives a soft whine and waddles over toward another
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While he's grown used to both of the broody, grumpy Snipers, this is far from normal for the BLU man. He decides talking to him through the comm would be both awkward and embarrassing for the other man, so he heads over to his place and knocks on the door.
He's going to let him punch him in the face.]
Upon opening the door he just .. stares. That is not who he expected to see.*
*He sounds totally drained.*
[He beams at the other before looking around to see what the barking is. Wow. That's new.]
Is zat an iguana? It is very fat.
May I come in?
*As if Spy should know what that is. He picks her up so she doesn't do more damage to Spy's already messed up pants.*
What th' hell for?
[He shakes his head, he's seen stranger things. He's not going to admit he finds it kind of cute.]
Because I wanted to talk.
*He glares at Spy with all the strength he can muster, which admittedly isn't much right now, before stepping back to let Spy in. He gives Tipsy a head pat before locking her in the other room so she doesn't eat Spy.*
Of course you do.
[He steps in and watches the dog, a little disappointed that he doesn't get a better look at it, but his suit has suffered enough.
Now he's going to stare expectantly at Sniper.]
About th' dog? She ain't exactly friendly an' I don't want her hidin' yer limbs under the couch.
Her name's Tipsy.
Are you going to offer me somezhing to drink?
You came here. I ain't gonna offer you nothin'.
If I were not 'ere you would still be moping!
*Okay, even he can't say that with a straight face.*
Stop Spyin' on me. Bloody communicator doovalacky.
Why are you moping? Because you are alone on Valentine's? Should you really be surprised?
*Note to self: train dog to not butt dial people.*
Maybe. An' I ain't surprised. And more importantly it's not any of your bloody business!
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