5. I drink large LARGE quantities of milk on a daily basis
6. I've flown in a Ford Stinston Tri-Motor (on the of first passenger planes)
As a native of Wisconsin, I strongly approve of 5. My grandfather was a pilot and I like planes too...so I like 6. I wish I could fly somewhere in a Tri-Motor!
And actually, on number 4...I got rid of my car because it had an electrical problem.
I'm not going to do this, though. It's just a internet-ified chain letter.
But, you need to forward this message on about this little girl that was abducted in Mobile, Alabama. If we can just send the message to everyone on the Internet they can check their closets to see if there are any abducted children in there. Oh, and by the way, she was abducted in February of 1999 and really it turns out she got lost and she was back home two days later--she was a little thirsty, though.
Comments 3
Eh, maybe I'll do it later. I'll have to try to do it really fast as I don't know that many people on LiveJournal, though.
6. I've flown in a Ford Stinston Tri-Motor (on the of first passenger planes)
As a native of Wisconsin, I strongly approve of 5. My grandfather was a pilot and I like planes too...so I like 6. I wish I could fly somewhere in a Tri-Motor!
And actually, on number 4...I got rid of my car because it had an electrical problem.
I'm not going to do this, though. It's just a internet-ified chain letter.
Aren't Internet chain letters good?
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