Arcana: Tower.
Time Period: 2012.
Name: Ethan Baker.
Gender: Male.
Blood Type: AB.
Birthday/Sign: January 21st / Aquarius.
Age: 43.
Occupation/Grade: History Teacher.
Room: Off Campus.
Ozaki Toshio from Shiki.Appearance: Ethan has brown hair that sticks out to all sides, giving off the impression that it hasn't seen a comb in quite some time. Whatever the way his hair is standing the moment he gets up is how his hair looks for the rest of the day. He has deep brown eyes that match the color of his hair. He's usually walking around with stubbles since shaving often or shaving well is too much effort. Ethan generally gives off that uncared kind of impression; dark circles around his eyes and eye bags, messed up hair, stubbles, uniform generally worn very loosely. He's rather tall and slim, but just doesn't manage to give off an intimidating impression.
Although it can't be seen on the PB, Ethan has a fondness for ties, collecting the most eccentric ties he can find and wearing them with pride. His favourite ones have historic scenes on them and he can't quite understand why other people wouldn't find his historic ties as amazing as he does. But even though he always wears a tie and a white jacket when he's teaching the tie is always just not done completely right and his jacket always seems just a few sizes too big, everything just always seems that slight bit off about him. His private clothes mostly consist of things that are comfortable and easy to wear; the less effort it requires to put on the more it's likely to be found in Ethan's wardrobe. Most of the time he doesn't even feel like changing out of his teacher clothes after school and just keeps those on and on other days without school he just can't be bothered to put something other than that outfit on.
Personality: The first impression someone would get would be that of a sloth and that's probably the easiest way to describe Ethan. He doesn't seem to have interest or passion for anything. He often walks through the school halls
like a zombie and lazes around in his free time. The only thing he really seems to care about is history and especially the pre-World War II period, when dealing with other periods he just teaches very little about them ("Today we'll talk about the ice age. ... There was ice. Let's move on.") or just skips them completely in true Persona History teacher fashion. But he does get enthusiastic and spirited when he starts talking about the period he is interested in, so much that he hardly ever realises that it's already the end of class and has to be told this by a random student. This passion also includes his obsession with ties with lame historic prints which he thinks are the most amazing things ever. (He doesn't even notice people facepalming. Either that or he doesn't particularly care.)
But that's about the only thing that can make him seem like he cares at all. About most other things he displays an extremely nonchalant and passive nature and he even seems to lack common sense about the most normal of things sometimes. He smokes; but half of the time he forgets that he has a cigarette in his mouth and drops it. He drinks coffee; but half of the time he forgets that the mug is there and accidentally knocks it over. (The table at his place is just covered in coffee stains.) At times he will just sit somewhere and randomly fall asleep, seeming to be dead and the people who know him won't even care. (If he'd actually die somewhere nobody would really think he was dead by now.)
In short, Ethan forgets things extremely easily. He's able to remember about everything in history (even the stuff he doesn't care about) in great detail, but if you would ask him what he ate last night or at what time he got up that morning he'll draw a blank on you. He constantly forgets that he gave students homework and/or tests and messes up students' names in every single lesson, no matter how long they have been taking his class. It isn't until someone (not literally, although that would work as well) whacks him over the head that he remembers that he's supposed to do something and somehow always manages to make students have a few tests a year at least. He really is the kind of guy that makes you wonder how he manages to do that at the last moment and keep his job year after year, the kind of guy that's constantly balancing on that thinrope between keeping his job and being fired.
History: Ethan was born in a middle-class family in California as the youngest out of four siblings. (He had one older brother and two older sisters.) His mother was a housewife while his father was a lawyer with moderate success. All in all, the best word to describe his family would be moderate. Ethan attended school and seemed to do average as well, he usually tried his best and didn't fall behind the rest of the class but he wasn't the brightest crayon in the box either; he had average results and his parents seemed to be happy enoug with those. And the boy himself didn't seem to mind either, he had a happy life. His older siblings were annoying at times as all siblings, but they got along well in general. His mother was very kind and his father very hard-working and Ethan had tons of friends at school to play with.
A moderate, happy life.
This sort of life continued for quite a while, up to college where his major was History - even back then it was his big passion, although luckily he hadn't discovered the horrible ties yet - and he met a girl. Ethan was moderate and Sarah was moderate, but he thought she was cute and she thought he was cute. Quickly they evolved to coffee break buddies, studying buddies, movie watching buddies and then after a while started dating. When they both graduated they were still dating and they happily decided to get married. They got their own little cozy house and Ethan started teaching History at the local high school. They were happy and loved each other a lot and it didn't take long for Sarah to get pregnant. Their son was a bright-eyed blonde boy (just as blonde as his mom) named Aaron.
Once again that moderate happy life was established for Ethan. He worked as a teacher while Sarah mostly stayed home and took care of Aaron and the house while doing all kinds of small errands; they lived off Ethan's income.
But Ethan's moderate life was about to change. On Aaron's fourth birthday - two years ago - the three of them decided to go out to a nearby zoo as a birthday gift. But on the way back from the zoo they ended up driving on the middle of a small local road in a big unpredicted storm. Lightning struck down a nearby tree which landed on the middle of the road and while Ethan tried to avoid hitting it he lost control of the car and it crashed.
After that he woke up in a hospital room; the lone survivor of the accident with some brain injury that caused a state of constant memory loss of nearly everything for him. He does remember the accident very clearly, but he feigns memory loss of the accident as well so he doesn't have to talk about it. This incident was what changed him; he became more and more uncaring about everything and was only a hollow shell of his former self. He moved across the entire country to Abaton into a small apartment to be as far away from the accident and his memories of it as possible, even going as far as cutting off all communication with his family under the excuse of memory loss. That's when he found a job as a History teacher at Adessi Hall; the previous two years of his life have been dedicated to just doing this while fumbling around with his memory loss.
Other: Although he doesn't seem spirited about it, Ethan loves horror movies. They don't scare him - barely anything fazes him - but he seems to enjoy them nonetheless. He'll often stay up late to watch them and then arrive at school the next day with dark circles and eye bags nearly reaching to the ground. Most of his clumsy memory loss is real, but at times he fakes it to either hide things or to get out of trouble, usually more the former than the latter.