Story Master Post

Jul 27, 2013 23:29

This is a Master List of all of the stories I've posted here on live journal:

Alex In the City master chapter list
Summary: AU starting around the beginning of season 2 - Kurt's father didn't survive his heart attack, causing much upheaval. The story takes place two years later, in New York City. Puck and Mercedes volunteer at a homeless shelter for Thanksgiving and run into an old friend.

Misdirection master chapter list
Summary: A new football player arrives at the school. Can he be as awesome as everyone - except Kurt - seems to think he is?

WWHPD? master chapter list
Summary: Kurt meets Hannah Puckerman.

Epic, A Grimm Story master chapter list
Summary: Two years after a devastating loss, Nick finds himself searching for an old friend.

The Friends You Make Here... master chapter list
Summary: College AU. - Nick meets Monroe and thinks he’s kind of cute.  Monroe doesn’t want to get attached, but Nick has plans - and helpful friends.

Hawaii 5-0:
Rapunzel Hawaii 5-0 Style master chapter list
Summary: This is extremely AU, where Steve’s the prince of Hawaii, Danny’s stuck in a tower, Kono’s a mage, Chin’s still zen, and Grace is a princess who can fling a verbal barb like a pro.  In this world there be dragons, surfing, button down shirts, ties, and magic scrolls - and where Chin and Kono are very, very, very distant cousins.  Any attempt to fit this into an actual, real historical time period will result in a headache.  So just roll with it.

Somewhere I Have Never Traveled
Summary: Danny’s secret plans for Christmas go awry.

The OC:
Finding Taylor
Summary: Taylor's dropped out of everyone's lives, and Ryan can't let it go until he finds out why.

Signs (2002 Feature Film):
Signs of Life
Summary: Officer Caroline Paski finds herself checking on the Hess family, and she tells herself it's part of the job.

Sons of Anarchy:
Pit Stop
Summary: Chibs and Tig stop off at a small town for lunch. Are they just hungry, or do they have an ulterior motive?

fanfic, master story post

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