Title: A Knock at the Door
Date: 2 August 1998
Time: 10:45pm
Character: Andromeda Tonks, mention of Narcissa Malfoy
Location: Sheffield, York
Status: Personal
Summary: A late-night knock at the door.
Completion: Complete
Andromeda hastily wrapped her dressing gown around her waist and tied the sash. Someone calling this late could never bring good news. Her feet padded across the floor and she narrowly missed stepped on a squeeky toy of Teddy's that she'd left on the floor.
The pounding resumed and she called, "Hold onto yer knickers!"
Andromeda unbolted the door and swung it wide. There, standing on her threshold, was an MLE officer.
"Andromeda Tonks?" the man asked, a man abit younger than herself with greying light brown hair. it struck her that he reminded her of Remus a bit.
"Yes. What can I do for you?" She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the news he was about to deliver.
"I'm here to deliver this letter. From a prisoner."
Prisoner? Who the bloody hell...
Her heart sunk with the realization of who it could be.
Why would she be writing to me? What could she possibly say to me?
She looked at the man's hand and saw the envelope with her sister's writing across it. Andromeda hadn't spoken to or seen her sister since she and Ted were married.
"Thank you." She placed her hand on the envelope and placed it in the pocket of her dressing gown.
"If you want to send a reply, please contact the MLE so that we can inspect it, ma'am," the man informed her.
"Inspect it? You actually think I'd help her escape?" Andromeda couldn't fathom that idea in the least.
"It's standard operating pro--"
"I know!" she snapped. "My--my daughter was an Auror." She felt her bottom lip start to quiver.
"She was good at her job, Mrs. Tonks." He placed a hand on her shoulder and gave her a half-smile. "Good night."
He turned around and walked down the path, disappearing before her eyes.
How long she stood there with the door open and the moths gathering at the light, she didn't know. It was the cries of her grandson that pulled her from her musings. Closing the door, she glanced at the clock.
"Should have known that four hours was asking too much."
Andromeda walked toward the back of the bouse and gathered up Teddy, forgetting about the letter in her pocket for now. She couldn't think about the past right now. This was her present.