Title: Message to Neville Longbottom; Owl to Parvati Patil
Date: August 4th, 1998
Time of Day: Morning
Characters: Lavender Brown, Neville Longbottom, Parvati Patil
Location: Kelmscott Manor, Oxfordshire
Status: Private
Brief Summary: Lavender sends messages about the house viewing to Neville and Parvati.
Completion: Complete.
Warnings: None.
DA Galleon message to Neville
Yes, I am free. See you at the 3Bs. L
Owl to Parvati
Dear Parvati,
I'm so sorry not to have written earlier but it's been a mad few days with a trip to Ireland to visit my sister.
You might remember I mentioned that Neville was thinking about a renting a house in Hogsmeade and that he was considering the idea of having a house share. I thought this would be great fun. Leaving home is going to be strange for all of us and this would be a way of gaining independence as well as being quite convenient for Hogwarts. I can't imagine what it would be like to live in a community made up entirely of wizarding folk - well OK we were at Hogwarts for years but we didn't have to shop and cook and things did we?
Anyway, I know this is very short notice but he's arranged for a viewing today at 3:00 pm with us meeting up at the 3Bs at 2:30. Can you make it? If you can't don't worry I'll send you a full report on the house or we can meet up in Diagon Alley for a chat. I read in The Daily Prophet that Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour has re-opened. I foresee giant sundaes in our near future.
Much love, rainbows and pink bunnies,