Title: Letter to Lavender Brown
Date: August 6th, 1998
Time of Day: 6:30 AM.
Characters: Ron Weasley,Lavender Brown
Location: The Burrow
Status: Private.
Brief Summary: Ron issues a long overdue apology.
Completion: Complete.
I hope you are feeling better after your run in with Fenrir Greyback. Neville tells me you are well and preparing to go back to take your NEWTs.
I bet you're wondering why I'm sending you a letter. I owe you an apology. My treatment of you was terrible. I'm really very sorry that I hurt you. I should have been honest with both you and myself right from the start.
I would like us--well I don't want to say be friends but I sure don't want us to be enemies.
I certainly hope you can find it in you to forgive me for my behavior. I really wasn't fair to you.
You'll make some bloke very lucky someday.
Ps...Could you please give Errol a spot of water and let him rest a bit. He's not the youngest owl in the world.