Title: A Visit with Molly
Date: 7 Aug 1998
Time of Day: 1:45 pm
Characters: Andromeda Tonks, Molly Weasley
Location: Sheffield, York
Status: Private
Brief Summary: Andromeda and Molly have a visit during Teddy's nap.
Completion: Complete
Andromeda placed the tea kettle on the stove to heat, not even knowing if they would need it. Molly mentioned bringing sherry, the dear woman, but felt a good cuppa tea was prudent anyway.
Teddy was remarkably well-behaved and cooperative today. She'd talked to him about Molly coming to visit and he smiled toothlessly at her. He awoke earlier than usual that morning and had taken a nice morning nap. And then, the dear boy played so hard before his lunchtime that he went straight to sleep after his bottle, an entire forty-five minutes early.
A knock at the kitchen door startled her and she jumped a bit; recent months had made her a nervous wreck. She very nearly hexed Ron the other day. With a smile, she went to the door and opened it to a wind-swept looking Molly Weasley.