Title: Taking a break
Date: July 31, 1998
Time of Day: 1pm
Characters: Neville Longbottom,
Location: Hogwarts Grounds.
Status: Public
Brief Summary: Neville takes a break from the greenhouse to eat lunch and check the Daily Prophet classifieds for vacant properties.
Completion: Complete
Warnings: None
It was a hot July day but after the warmth of the greenhouses even the sun seemed slightly milder. Though that was with the help of the breeze off the lake. He spent most of his time doing basic planting that would be needed for the lessons come September and yet freed Sprout to help with more complicated repairs. The House-elves were happy to provide picnic lunches given that the great hall was not currently in use and though he could have found someone to sit with while he ate, Neville was instead enjoying the breeze and giving his attention to the paper he'd bought in the village this morning. He'd been considering it for a little while now but now he was eighteen, he'd decided he was going to do something about his vague plans to move out. He dug into the chicken and ham sandwich as he flicked through the paper. He had a vague idea that he'd like to live in Hogsmeade, it was familiar and he could carry on helping at Hogwarts for as long as needed without having to apparate everyday.
There were more vacant properties in Hogsmeade than he thought was usual really but that was likely due to the war. Most of the newly vacant ones were more than he wanted to pay and he did not especially want to take over the home of one of the recently dead. It seemed morbid. He circled two with a quill and dismissed a slightly more affordable one for having no garden. Enquire by owl both classified's read. He had Hellebore and Lovage to plant this afternoon but it would be light enough to wander past the properties when he went back to the village to apparate home. That decided and his lunch eaten he glanced through the rest of the paper. The other news was mainly dominated by the ongoing trials and it was more than a little odd to think that the information in the Prophet was accurate enought to be relied on. For the moment anyway.