Title: Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
Date: August 19, 1998
Time of Day: 2:30 PM
Characters: George Weasley, Ron Weasley, Percy Weasley, Verity Thruston
Location: Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
Status: Semi-Public
Brief Summary: Percy visits George, Ron and Verity at the shop.
Completion: Complete
Warnings: None
"Somehow I feel this is a bad idea." Percy muttered to himself, staring up at the now infamous Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes before him. A steady flow of students rushed in and out of the shop doors, some with Hogwart's House pins that spiked Percy's curiosity and concern. He seriously doubted that anything the twins- George, he corrected mentally - made were as innocent as simple badges.
Percy hesitantly walked through the doors, now uncomfortable with his first real meeting with George since the battle and his reentering the family rather than with the shop itself. The selection of badges caught his eye and he picked up one of packages, reading over the description with a small smirk. He had to admit, it was brilliant and not outwardly harmful.
After replacing the badges in their proper place he turned to counter, watching as Ron chatted with a pair of customers as he rung them up, oblivious to his brother's appearance. Percy glanced around before deciding George must have been in the back, Verity either with him or somewhere hidden by the shelves. He advanced on the counter once the pair of customers left, offering Ron a smile in greeting.
"Hello Ron, I hope I came at a good time." Percy said, regarding the fairly crowded room around them.