Title: Owl to Bill Weasley
Date: 23 August 1998
Time of Day: 8 pm
Characters: Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley
Location: The Burrow
Brief Summary: Percy thanks Bill for his birthday gift and informs him of Charlie and George's drunken escapade.
Completion: Complete
Dear Bill,
Thank you very much for the gifts, although I am starting to wonder whether you are trying to turn me into an alcoholic. I won’t throw it away, maybe if you or Charlie ever drop by I can find some use for it. Perhaps not Charlie, I am a bit cross with him regarding alcohol and the well being of my flat right now. I’ll explain that glorious little tale in a moment.
I’m particularly taken with Fleur’s contribution; your wife is very kind. Please extend my gratitude. The quills work wonderfully - I was in sore need of new ones - and the parchment is incredible as well. I would also be delighted to come to dinner at some point and properly meet the new Mrs. Weasley. You are a very lucky man Bill, I do hope you are treating her well. Not that I doubt you, I just know that you tend to work very hard, much like I do but you have always been clever enough to know when it is too much. I simply hope that this cleverness will remain in the chaos of rebuilding.
I suppose you are interested in my little hint at Charlie’s activities so I will be glad to divulge. Apparently he and George got plastered and decided it was a grand idea to apparate to my flat at 3 in the morning. Charlie managed to leave a gaping hole in my door but luckily didn’t splinch himself, surprisingly enough.
And the two had the gall to chide me for sounding like mum! Honestly, if there had been anyone in the hall - seeing as Muggles do live in my building - they could have been arrested! Or if they had apparated in the wrong appartment or worse - if either had been splinched! Charlie is in no way excellent at apparition, he could have been seriously injured!
You know they won’t listen to a word I say so I hope you can thoroughly trounce them for being so reckless. Considering Charlie obviously cannot be trusted drunk I have been looking for some sort of spell or item that would lock his wand somehow if it sensed he was inebriated. I have had no luck so far but I will continue..
A very pleasant way to begin my birthday, the drunkards. Honestly, all I asked for was a day of peace and I get those two dolts destroying my property. I suppose it could have been worse - I still would have preferred not being woken from a dead sleep to destruction.
There was something I would like to ask you actually, now that that rant is out of the way. Do you think, and don’t you dare make fun of me, that bringing flowers to a girl you have interest in is too straightforward? It has been a while since Penelope and I fear I may be… rusty on the customs. Do you think it is perhaps to formal?
With that aside thank you again, and yes, I’m the old age of 23 now. My youth is behind me.
Sorry, I promised George I would attempt to be funnier. I honestly think it’s a wasted effort.
Best Wishes,