Title: Old Friends of Sorts
Date: 8/22/1998
Time of Day: 9:00pm
Characters: Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape (portrait), Narcissa Malfoy (mention), Draco Malfoy (mention)
Location: Hogwarts -- Headmaster's Office
Status: Private
Brief Summary: Snape's portrait and McGonagall have a chat about Occlumency.
Completion: Complete
Minerva walked into her office with an expression that betrayed her frustration. Dumbledore's portrait, as usual, was sleeping, but by this point several other headmasters' portraits had joined him. Severus Snape's portrait, however, was quite alert.
"Minerva," it exclaimed, "you look positively distraught."
"Indeed Severus," she replied, "I've just had a private lesson with Harry Potter and--"
"Ah, yes. That'll do it."
Minerva gave the portrait a stare as sharp as the daggers she had conjured to fly against the real Snape two months ago. "I'll have you know, Severus, that Harry is a perfectly apt pupil when he studies under a teacher who does not deliberately antagonize him." McGonagall sat at her desk without giving Snape another moment's notice. She was about to get a head start on tomorrow's paperwork when it occurred to her to say, "You'll be surprised to know that Harry has decided to take up Occlumency again."
"We'll see how long that whim lasts, once he realizes he has no talent for it. Potter only bothers with the things that come naturally to him--flying around foolishly on a broomstick or shooting out ridiculously basic dueling charms. Anything subtler than a Stunner utterly fails to capture his attention."
"That could well be," Minerva said, "but as it stands right now we won't even get that far. We're in the midst of a brain drain right now, as you have surely noticed. I'm having a hell of a time even finding competent Transfigurists, and they practically stuff by mailbox with resumes! Imagine trying to find an Occlumens--nobody who studies Occlumency advertises the fact, and it's such an obscure subject I can't think of anyone who would have reason to know it. My only guess is Professor Slughorn; I've always suspected that he taught Tom Riddle Legilimency--"
"Horace Slughorn is no more a Legilimens than I am a Hufflepuff," Snape interrupted, "And as for Occlumency, he could not occlude his way past a muggle. And Minerva, why in the world are you so taken with Potter fooling around with Occlumency? The Dark Lord is vanquished; I can assure you the contents of Potter's mind are of interest to no one."
At this Minerva bit her lip; she could not clearly answer why it was so important to grant Harry this request. Lord knows she had already made countless exceptions and special arrangments for Harry, many of which he barely knew about--but still this one last favor nagged at her.
"I do not have to explain myself to you, Severus," she said. "Suffice it to say, I feel it very important indeed that Harry finally learn this subject." Minerva was glad that Snape's portrait did not share Snape's ability to discern truth from lies.
The portrait sneered, but said, "Bellatrix Lestrange was a reasonably skilled Occlumens. While she lived, she taught Draco Malfoy enough that he could conceal the details of his plans to kill Dumbledore during his sixth year. Draco Malfoy is the only living wizard I know for certain is an Occlumens."
Minerva frowned. "I doubt lessons with Draco Malfoy would go much better than lessons with you, Severus. Is there really no one else?"
"I cannot know for sure, but it's possible Draco's mother, Narcissa, has also studied it."
Again, Minerva frowned. "That is troubling. But thank you, Severus. This has been very enlightening."
"Of course," Snape said silkily.
The portrait spoke no more, and let Minerva to her thoughts. Draco Malfoy, maybe Narcissa--not the best candidates Minerva could ask for.