Title: Shopping at Diagon Alley
Date: 08/28/1998
Time of Day: 6:30 PM
Characters: Fleur Weasley, Verity Thruston, anyone who is around and would like to join :)
Location: Diagon Alley
Status: Public
Brief Summary: Fleur spends some time in Diagon Alley to let Bill, Charlie and Ron discuss at Shell Cottage
Completion: Incomplete (unless nobody wants to join in)
Warnings: None for now
Fleur Weasley tapped her fingers on the register, deeply irritated. She had tried, at first, not to let the behaviour of the shopkeeper affect her, but she could feel that she had reached her limit now. If it wasn't for the book she wanted to buy for Gabrielle (a bilingual version of Tulip - Veela and Private Detective), she would have left Flourish and Blotts a good ten minutes ago already.
"Here is your book, jolie demoiselle," said the merchant at last. A sly grin appeared on his face. "And here is my personal address, in case you feel lonely and want me to-"
Fleur's nostrils flared dangerously. She hated it when men treated her like that. Just because she was extraordinarily beautiful did not mean that people could address her so openly about it.
"- it is Madame, not Mademoiselle," she snapped, showing her wedding ring with a furious gesture. She glared at him as she paid for the book, "And I came 'ere to buy a book, not to 'ear you say zese unpolite theengs to me."
With that, she snatched the book from the register and quickly left the shop, slamming the door loudly behind her.
She walked away from the shop and came to a stop in front of Eeylops' Owl Emporium. Clutching her package, she promised herself that she would not enter that shop again before long. Looking at her watch, she wondered where she would go next - Bill had asked her not to come back before eight, because Ron wanted to discuss things "alone" with him and Charlie. She knew that all of his younger siblings came to Bill for advice, and Bill, she thought, fulfilled his role admirably. And, although she was a bit wary of the fact that Charlie would be there too (she really thought that he had a bad influence on her Bill for some things, especially drinking), she respected the fact that Bill was here for his brothers, and she did not mind (not too much) leaving them some space on these occasions.
Her favorite place in Diagon Alley, back when Bill and her had started dating, had been Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour, but the shop was still closed after its owner disappearance, so she decided (although a bit reluctantly so) to head in the direction of the Leaky Cauldron instead, hoping that she would not meet too many rude wizards there.
On her way, she caught sight of Bill's brothers' shop, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. She had only been there once with Bill, back before the war. Perhaps she could make a little detour to there today, instead of directly going to the Leaky Cauldron. Ron was at Shell Cottage, but maybe she could see George and say hello. Bill had been very worried about him lately; he would certainly be happy if she told him she had seen him today.
With that idea in mind, she walked to the shop and pushed the door open.