Title: Owl to Bill
Date: 08/30/1998
Time of Day: 8:30 PM
Characters: Charlie Weasley, Bill Weasley
Location: First floor of St. Mungo's Hospital
Status: Private
Brief Summary: Charlie replies to Bill's owl
Completion: Complete
Warnings: None
[Note: Written with a REALLY shaky handwriting]
Thanks A LOT. And no, I'm not hiding some dark secret illness or whatever, it's just a stupid Runespoor bite for Merlin's sake (though seriously, now I wonder if I'll survive being stuck here for a whole night - I won't give you any details but man, my stomach did not agree with that potion they gave me. At all).
Anyways, thanks again, though I'm not sure I should thank you for what you told mum - seriously, do you want her to kill me for good or what??? And I still can't believe Percy told you about that Apparition miscalculation. Seriously, between the two of you...
Ah well, I still love you guys,
Can't write more, sorry