Title: Lunch
Date: August 30th,1998
Time of Day: 2:00pm
Characters: Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger
Location: Diagon Alley
Status: Semi Public/DND
Brief Summary: Ginny and Hermione have lunch
Completion: Incomplete
Warnings: None
Hermione waited anxiously for Ginny to arrive in Diagon Alley. She had made a small purchase, well that's not entirely correct, it was a rather large purchase for Ron's Christmas present but she couldn't wait to see the look on his face.
She stood outside Flourish and Blotts and paced along the sidewalk. It was nice to see Diagon Alley was so busy again and she fought to keep a bit of panic held back at the thought of all these unknown Wizards surrounding her. Hermione smiled when she saw Ginny strolling up the sidewalk and waved.
"Ginny over here!"
Hermione was excited and happy to see Ginny and smiled brightly as Ginny approached.