Title: Running
Date: August 30th 1998
Time of Day: 6:30 am
Characters: Ron Weasley
Location: The Burrow
Status: Reflective.
Summary: Ron starts getting into shape.
Completion: Complete
I talked with Dad for a bit last night and he told me that Aurors are tremendously fit. In an effort to get back in to shape I decided that I needed to start running every day. I want to be sure my endurance is in top shape. I'll work more on bulking up a bit once I get moved into Grimmauld Place. I'm sure Harry will think I'm completely mental and he might be right.
Hermione sent Barnabas with a letter for Harry this morning. Woke him up from a dead sleep and scared the hell out of me. Barnabas is lucky that Harry realized it wasn't a Death Eater sitting on his chest and managed to stop the curse he was going to throw.
It's funny, I'm feeling loads more confident about my relationship with Hermione. I guess I'm finally convinced that she and Harry are not going to run off behind my back. I'm really looking forward to going out with Hermione on Friday night. Bill and Charlie were really helpful and despite the fact that Mum lectured me for an hour about not letting her know where I was going I feel pretty good about my meeting with them.
It's brilliant having Charlie home and it will be good to finally get to spend sometime with him. I can't help but wonder what prompted him to come home for good.
I have a meeting with George and Verity tonight in Hogsmeade. I'm rather looking forward to getting out of the house. I've spent so much time in the shoppe and I've been getting home so late that Mum's been a bit cross with me.
Of course, I still have to tell her I'm moving in with Harry. It's only three days away and I reckon that if I just move out she'll send me Howler's forever. I told Dad about it but of course he wasn't too inclined to let Mum know.
I also wanted to talk to Fleur-I know that she'll have some wicked ideas about a romantic evening for Hermione's birthday. I thought I'd make Hermione dinner and maybe get her one of those books I saw her admiring at Flourish and Blotts. I'm not sure about the gift though. I bought her perfume once and she didn't seem really all that impressed with it and I never gave her the necklace I bought for her during sixth year.
Hermione and I are meeting at Gringott's tomorrow. I have to get the first month's rent for Harry and I need to get some money out to change into Muggle money. Hermione said that I should get a Muggle bed so that I don't have to place any charms on it.
I have to ask Harry about Kreacher too. I don't want Kreacher to feel like he has to clean up after me. After all I'm not his master and I need to mention to Harry that I'm a good cook.
I feel like my chest is going to burst, when did it get this hard to run a mile?