Title: Return Owl to Dean Thomas
Date: August 31, 1998
Time of Day: 12.00pm
Characters: Luna Lovegood, sent to Dean Thomas
Location: Sent from Luna's House
Status: Private
Brief Summary: Luna replies to Dean's owl.
Completion: Complete
Warnings: None
Hello, Dean!
Getting an owl from you was a very nice surprise. I'm glad you're well, and of course I want to talk to you. Don't worry about the charm, I'm very sorry it didn't work. I suppose I'll have to work on it when we get back to Hogwarts.
I'm very glad you're going to be going back. Lots of people are, you know, including Neville, so you won't be on your own. Everyone is still trying to get everything back to normal after the war, so I'm sure they'll understand. This is your world, you can't cut yourself off from it forever. And, after all, the sooner you try and get back to normal, the sooner it will happen.
I've very glad you liked the new issue. I did a lot of the work for it myself, since Daddy still isn't himself. I did consider putting the article in, but there wasn't really enough room. I'll try and make sure it's there for next issue, though, since a few people have asked about it now. I don't think even Daddy realised how popular the Snorkack is with the readers. He was very pleased.
I hope to see you soon, I'll keep an eye out for you on the Hogwarts Express.
Luna x