Title: A Visit to Hogsmeade
Date: September 17, 1998
Time of Day: Mid-afternoon
Characters: Pansy Parkinson and (open)
Location: Hogsmeade
Status: Public
Brief Summary: Pansy goes to Hogsmeade for her mother and bumps into someone while there.
Completion: Complete!
Warnings: None
Pansy took her time wandering around Hogsmeade. It was the first time she had
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Comments 5
Whether it was just his twin-ly, holier-than-thou way, or bitterness toward the infamous Slytherin House, a truth-serum could not tell; it was easy, however, for even a young woman as Pansy to pick up on a slight note of agitation in George's voice. "I thought all Slytherins would be hibernating by now."
"It's just wonderful to see you, too," Pansy forced out, voice low and even. She was now wishing she had stayed home, which only brought thoughts of her mother fresh to her mind. With a tired sigh, which she hated, because he could probably tell she was tired, she brushed a strand of hair off her cheek and met his eyes.
"I'm really not in the mood to stand here and talk to much of anyone, so if you'll please excuse me, I'll be on my way. I'm sure both our days will be better for it." With a wry smile, she nodded at the redhead, wishing it was less crowded in the store so she could make a quick escape.
What is it with these Slytherins? George's brain commented, his nose wrinkling as he thought. The Houses of Hogwarts could be removed from the school but the animosity of Gryffindors to Slytherins was inbreed.
"Please, don't let me get in your way."
"Do have a good day, Mr. Weasley. You're looking a little..." her dark eyes roamed over his face; she could get a closer look at him now. "Tired." For a moment she sounded sympathetic, her smile soft. She could relate to that, at least. Seeing a break in the crowd, she spared George another glance and a quick curtsy (if he could bow, she could certainly play along) before making her way to the counter.
Making a mental note on the day's strange occurrence, George turned away from the till and weaved his way through the salivating masses toward the exit. When he reached the door, George gave Pansy one last distant stare, a small smile curling at the corner of his lips before he pushed out the door and disappeared.
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