Title: "Owl to Pansy Parkinson"
Game date: September 3, 1998
Characters featured: Narcissa Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson
Location: Malfoy Manor
Brief Summary: Narcissa writes to Pansy about visiting the Manor.
Status: Personal/Reflective
Completion: Complete
Dear Pansy,
Draco's being quite the untalkative sort at the moment. I worry about him because I'm certain he must have a lot of pent-up anger--at the world in general, at the Dark Lord, at us. Part of me wants to draw it out so it doesn't fester inside him; the other part of me is afraid to face it, afraid to find out he might hate me. He would have, I think, justification in hating me, and this wouldn't be some childish anger, but the serious feelings of a grown young man who has suffered. I don't know what is going to happen, but I do know Lucius and I must face it.
I can understand your mother's desire to sink into herself all too well. It is easy and tempting to hide from the world; I did it myself when we first came home. I spent several days out in the garden, pretty much ignoring my family because I so desperately wanted to be alone and away from all the reminders of how bad it was here. It took time for me to work through that, so I know it will take your mother some time, too.
I very much enjoyed visiting my sister. We were a little awkward with each other, at first, but we relaxed more as the visit went on. I hope to see her again soon.
I must go; Lucius is calling to me.
Kindest regards, Pansy,
Narcissa malfoy