Owl: Dear Friends of St. Mungo's Hospital

Sep 27, 2007 19:40

Title: "To the Friends of St. Mungo's Hospital"
Game date: September 3, 1998
Time of day: All day
Characters featured: St. Mungo's Hospital
Location: St. Mungo's Hospital
Status: Personal
Brief summary: St. Mungo's is in financial straits. The letter is sent to their entire list of current donators.
Completion: Completed

Dear Friend of St. Mungo's Hospital,

We hope this letter finds you well as summer draws to a close, and children return to school.

This past year has held many challenges for us at St. Mungo's Hospital, and we realize this is no less the case for all of you, our loyal friends and benefactors. All of us have undergone loss and hardship during the past year, and we feel this keenly, as we have striven to provide quality service to those of you who have had need of it. To those of you who have lost family members during the recent war, we offer our deepest condolences and gratitude for your and your families' sacrifices. They were not made in vain. Every death was a reminder to us of what we fought for.

However, as an unfortunate consequence of the war and its tribulations, St. Mungo's Hospital finds itself in need of your support.

The war deprived us of our usual means of seeking charitable funding. While bequests from trust funds meting out annual stipends remained constant, the majority of our incidental charitable donations was greatly reduced, this year. These donations fund such things as our Visiting Nurses' Association, Children's Christmas Toy Programme, and our free clinic for indigent patients.

As you know, part of the price we pay for concealing our world from the Muggle world is that St. Mungo's cannot permit itself to undergo Muggle inspection and therefore cannot receive NHS funding. For that reason, we are dependent upon the generosity of our patients and of benefactors from the Wizarding community to provide support for certain of our ongoing needs.

We ask that you please contribute what you can. We are also in need of people to join the committee to organise the annual St. Mungo's Charity Ball, which we could not hold this past April because of the war. Should you wish to assist with the ball, please mark the checkbox on the enclosed envelope, and one of our staff will owl you.

Any help you can give is greatly appreciated, and even if you cannot afford to give this year, we are most grateful for your help in previous years.


Edward L. Derwent
Director of Charitable Donations
St. Mungo's Hospital

Encl: Donation envelope


09/1998, charity ball, location: st. mungo's hospital

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