Title: "Shameless Plug"
Game date: September 3, 1998
Time of day: 2:30pm
Characters featured: Narcissa Malfoy, Andromeda Tonks
Location: Malfoy Manor
Status: Personal/Reflective
Brief summary: Narcissa writes to her sister about the hospital.
Completion: Complete
Dear Andie,
I took your advice and made a cherry pie with lard in the crust. Since I had to beat Draco off with a stick, I'm guessing it turned out well. It certainaly smelled good in the oven! I'm waiting until after supper to serve it.
By the way--I just got a letter from St. Mungo's in the morning post, and it made me think of you. I don't know what your financial situation is, right now, but if you are able, they're looking for people to donate and/or work on their spring charity ball committee.
I let them know that I'm interested in working on the committee. Whether that will be noted or conveniently lost in the rubbish bin, I have no idea, but I wondered if you'd like to do anything on the committee too, or pledge something for the ball?
I'm shameless, I admit. But I've been working with them for several years, now, and I think the committee could use some new blood to balance out the stuffier sorts who have been on the committee forever. The hospital needs a lot more money this year, since donations last spring must have been spectacularly low. The usual, very staid, black tie affair isn't going to cut it, this year. We need to draw in a lot more people, and to do that, the type of ball it's been has got to change.
Anyway, please let me know if you'd like to help with this. I don't want you to feel obligated if it would be a serious hardship, but honestly, I think they need someone like you.
See you later,