Title: Big Brothers Can't Help It
Date: August 1, 1998
Time of Day: 9:25 AM
Characters: Ron Weasley, Harry Potter
Location: The Burrow
Status: Semi-Public
Brief Summary: Ron and Harry chat before going flying
Status: Complete
After breakfast, Harry had managed to give Ginny's hand another quick squeeze under the table before Ron motioned him to follow him back upstairs. Harry reluctantly followed, shooting Ginny a small smile before he went after Ron.
He had wanted to talk to her about being chosen Quidditch Captain, but it seemed to be difficult to get a word in when the table was crowded. Ron and Charlie had seemed oblivious to her permanent smile as he rubbed his thumb over knuckles under the table, but then again, Harry noticed most of the Weasley men rarely paid attention to much of anything when there was food in front of them.
"We've got a couple hours before we have to be at Hogwarts," said Harry, shoving his hands into his jean pockets. They entered Ron's room where he could see Ron eying the Firebolt Maximus resting against the wall. "Fancy a ride before we go?"