Title: "Owl to Padma Patil"
Game Date: October 5, 1998, 13:05
Location: Mandy's flat-Hogsmeade
Characters featured: Mandy Brocklehurst, Padma Patil
Brief summary: Mandy replies to Padma's owl about meeting for lunch.
Status: Personal/Reflective
Completion: Completed
Padma! I would love to meet for lunch. I'm working on Charms this morning and worked on Arithmancy so much last night that I was dreaming formulae.
I had written to Luna about getting together for dinner, sort of an open invitation that she could pass around. Want to come to that, tonight, as well? If we're going to have a study break, we might as well do it in grand style, I say.
Looking forward to lunch and laziness,