Title: All work and no play...
Date: October 6, 1998
Time of Day: 7.30pm
Characters: Luna Lovegood, OTA
Location: The Library, Hogwarts
Status: Public
Brief Summary: Luna contemplates friendship and NEWTS, and tries to get some work done.
Completion: Incomplete
Warnings: None
The first month back had passed in a whirl of work and lessons and general chaos, as it did every year. )
Comments 6
"Hello, Luna. How are you? Mind if I sit with you for a bit?"
She pointed to the book on mythical magical creatures in front of her and smiled more widely. "It's very interesting. How are you enjoying being back at Hogwarts?"
Lavender sat down and smiled at Luna. "It's wonderful being back here without having to worry about being attacked by Death Eaters and their allies. How about you? Have you managed to make up for the time you lost last year?"
She shrugged at that, and it was near impossible to tell that she was much more unhappy about the situation than she looked.
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