Title: Molly's Announcement to the Boys
Date: 13 October
Time of Day: 4pm
Characters: Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Percy Weasley, George Weasley, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter
Location: The Burrow
Status: Private
Brief Summary: Molly has the boys over for tea and tells them her news
Completion: Incomplete
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Comments 3
Taking his appointed seat at the edge of the table next to Ron, George poked about until he found a fork and dug right into the middle of his pie. No pretenses; if offered, dessert was first as always. It still felt strange, however, not to battle a second fork for the creamy center.
To which tea was a perfect distraction given the circumstances.
Molly would need a full meal, private desserts and much more to keep George's attention at this rate; the family hadn't exactly responded to his queries for help in a positive manner and George didn't feel inclined to return pleasantries when none were offered to him. Not to mention the sight of Percy and the sound of his eating seemed to grate on his nerves more than usual.
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