Title: Love Type Thing
Fandom: Arashi + Ishihara Satomi
Pairing: Sho/Satomi
Summary: 9 drabbles; AU. Sho likes many things. (Some more than others.)
Notes: Written for
nicefinalbeam. ♥! Unbeta'd. (D:) Title taken from
this Tegan and Sara song.
Satomi burns the coffee out of nervousness on her first try and spills half the contents of the second cup, but Sho hires her anyway.
"I could always have checked if Shun-kun was available," says Jun, later on. There's a layer of fine dust all over his coat and trousers from when he was inspecting the shop renovations. It is very unlike him.
"No, she'll do," Sho replies. He likes how she attempted to stay calm in the face of certain disaster - and failed to, a little bit. She looks like the sort who would try hard.
On the first day they move in, Ohno makes baguettes.
“Baguettes,” Sho repeats uncertainly.
Three large trays of them, freshly-baked and dusted with flour.
Sho is certain they had agreed to open with a selection of choux pastry.
“These look nice,” Satomi interrupts, wandering in and picking one up. She breaks the end off (the crust gives that perfect crack as she does so) and takes a bite.
Her eyes widen. She takes another bite. Then she tears off the end of another loaf and tries that as well.
“All right, baguettes,” says Sho, sounding only slightly grudging.
Ohno beams.
Nino comes in each morning for a macchiato. He’s an accomplished composer of annoyingly catchy pop hits (yes, that infectious SMAP song was his handiwork). What Nino really wants to do, though, is write a rock musical.
“What’s it about?” asks Aiba, who has just returned to Japan after three years in Brazil studying funnel-eared bats. Every morning, he orders a hot chocolate and attempts to find gainful employment (the job market for PhDs in Neuroethology being rather small).
“Baseball,” Nino replies.
Sometimes Satomi confuses their orders just so Aiba can lean over to Nino’s table and start a conversation.
Sho likes many things.
Sho likes the fact that at age twenty-seven he co-owns a patisserie with his best friends in the world. He likes working with Jun; he likes Ohno’s pastries.
Sho likes Satomi’s coffee. He likes that first sip, rounded and full; a careful balance of temperature and flavour. He likes Satomi’s sleepy smile in the mornings; the way she uncoils her neatly-tied scarf from her neck when she steps inside. He likes her hands - always in motion.
“Good work today,” says Satomi, setting a cappuccino down beside his laptop.
It hits him, then.
Sho likes Satomi.
“I don’t think exclaiming, ‘oh, flying money!’’ is an appropriate response to dropping a customer’s change,” says Jun one morning, very disapprovingly.
“But it was only Nino-san,” Satomi replies.
Jun narrows his eyes.
“He didn’t seem to mind,” Sho interjects, more quickly than he would have liked.
(“You’re practically done for, you know that?” says Jun much later, after they’ve packed up for the day and it’s only the three of them left in the shop.
“I don’t know what you mean,” Sho replies, attempting to look clueless.
“Ha,” says Ohno.
Because Jun’s right, really. Sho is done for.)
“You’re funny today,” says Satomi.
“Am not,” says Sho.
“Yes you are,” Satomi tells him. “You’ve been stuck on the same line in that delivery contract since morning.”
(Somewhere in the background, Nino is narrating the revised plot of his rock musical to the other three. It appears to involve a bread-vomiting superhero and his echolocating sidekick.)
“Is echolocating a word?” asks Sho absently.
“I’m pretty sure it isn’t,” says Satomi. She hands him one of Ohno’s ‘Tim the Gaijin’ gingerbread men with an encouraging smile.
“It’s headless,” says Sho.
Satomi frowns. “I believe the correct response is ‘thank you’.”
Satomi’s ideal first date involves snow. Lots of snow, and mufflers, and staying indoors with hot drinks.
Sho’s ideal first date happens in Yokohama. He has only ever admitted this once, during one of Ohno’s convoluted drinking games that make no sense but feature a lot of alcohol. Sho imagines a long, slow stroll along the street. There should be Christmas lights, and maybe some tentative hand holding.
(Aiba’s ideal first date involves baseball and a pet shop and maybe a bit of karaoke - he can never really decide. Nino points out that nobody really wants to know, anyway.)
Their actual first date is a bit of an accident.
Nino gets tickets to the exclusive screening of an independent horror film, but cannot attend because he has to meet with some album producers that evening. He gives the two tickets to Aiba, who doesn’t like horror movies and passes them to Jun, who intends to go with Ohno but hands his ticket to Sho because he can’t miss bowling night with Shun.
When Sho arrives at the cinema, though, Ohno calls at the last minute to say he cannot make it and is sending Satomi instead -
Crafty bastards.
“So is this a date, then?” asks Satomi, after the movie finally ends and Sho buys them both ice cream to celebrate.
“Yes,” says Sho immediately, before adding, “No.”
Satomi looks unimpressed.
“Maybe,” says Sho, his heart filled suddenly with a maddening sense of hope. “If you want it to be.”
“I think,” says Satomi, after some thought, “that we can do better.”
“Oh,” Sho replies. He cannot help but feel slightly dejected at this.
“Last week, Jun-kun told me about a good yakiniku place,” Satomi continues.
“Yakiniku?” asks Sho.
Satomi shrugs. “We can try that for our second date.”