I agree with you on that one. I'm going to be twenty soon and it effin' scares me. I don't want to get old. bleh. I swear I'm having a quarter life crisis. I hate to think what a middle age one will be like.
this person is also bummed at not seeing you this week. veggie meatball subs come from my school cafeteria, and they are damn fine. come visit and we'll eat some!
...it's really difficult to follow up an opening like that when there's nothing truly exciting to be said. But hey, listen to this. Last semester in "advanced typography" we were assigned the task of creating our own thematic calendar (which happened to be more like a timeline) and for some uncanny reason I opted to structure every place I've skated in the past 5 years around a timeline that was inspired by an abstract drawing I did for my final project in a drawing class last year. Needless to say, it was a ridiculously ridonculous mess and in the end I had this mildly comprehensible retrospective of the best places I've skated between Long Island, NY and Lubec, Maine, my progression in that five year span, and how good a skate spot each place was. So, I can relate to the difficulty of integrating academics and skateboarding.
Oh, and I agree with:
frontside boardslides = still best trick ever (tied with backside disasters) godspeed...! plus driving...(minus maine)
YES! the backside d is absolutely crucial. i wish i had them locked better, but i can really only manage them on really wimpy ramps...
that project does sound like quite the endeavor... even so, i think its the kind of thing i would like to do... perhaps not in such an academic manner, but i would love to put together some sort of systematic look at my favorite skate spots at different times and levels of ability over the last 6 years... just for kicks i guess.
A few days ago I was at the Portland park and this random guy showed up and was just flowing around on the halfpipe. Then, out of nowhere, he floats way above the coping into the smoothest backside disaster I've ever seen, and I mean he FLOATED. It was so formulaically beautiful that I nearly had an orgasm.
please see: Mike v., a long time ago, i forget what it was in... some contest... video evidence may be in 411 best of... vol. 4. anyway, small QP, maybe 4-5 feet high, adjacent bank to wall, total structure is maybe 8 feet high. V. pumps like a madman up the QP, soars into a massive backside air, like 6 feet out, slams it violently (yet o-so-smoothly) into a disaster atop the wallride. pulls back into the 3-4 foot vert wall and rides away down the bank. absolutely gorgeous.
Comments 19
where did you get a meatball sub???
veggie meatball subs come from my school cafeteria, and they are damn fine. come visit and we'll eat some!
...it's really difficult to follow up an opening like that when there's nothing truly exciting to be said. But hey, listen to this. Last semester in "advanced typography" we were assigned the task of creating our own thematic calendar (which happened to be more like a timeline) and for some uncanny reason I opted to structure every place I've skated in the past 5 years around a timeline that was inspired by an abstract drawing I did for my final project in a drawing class last year. Needless to say, it was a ridiculously ridonculous mess and in the end I had this mildly comprehensible retrospective of the best places I've skated between Long Island, NY and Lubec, Maine, my progression in that five year span, and how good a skate spot each place was. So, I can relate to the difficulty of integrating academics and skateboarding.
Oh, and I agree with:
frontside boardslides = still best trick ever (tied with backside disasters)
godspeed...! plus driving...(minus maine)
that project does sound like quite the endeavor... even so, i think its the kind of thing i would like to do... perhaps not in such an academic manner, but i would love to put together some sort of systematic look at my favorite skate spots at different times and levels of ability over the last 6 years... just for kicks i guess.
Mike v., a long time ago, i forget what it was in... some contest... video evidence may be in 411 best of... vol. 4. anyway, small QP, maybe 4-5 feet high, adjacent bank to wall, total structure is maybe 8 feet high. V. pumps like a madman up the QP, soars into a massive backside air, like 6 feet out, slams it violently (yet o-so-smoothly) into a disaster atop the wallride. pulls back into the 3-4 foot vert wall and rides away down the bank. absolutely gorgeous.
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